"Thanks Professor! Can't wait to tell you all about it either!" Ash said as he returned the hug.

Serena on the other hand was a little surprised and was flushed in the face with the sudden show of affection.

Seeing this, Burnet walked over to rescue the young woman. "Now now Kukui, your squishing poor Serena!" She chided.

Kukui looked sheepish as he released the young couple. "Sorry Serena, I forget your not used to how we do things in Alola yet!" He said.

"It's ok Professor, I was just a little surprised is all." She said with a smile.

Guzma, Kiawe, Acerola and Gladion walked up to them as the crowd continued to cheer causing Ash to wave at those assembled.

"Well Champ, welcome back!" Guzma said with a smile as he gave Ash a brotherly hug.

"Thanks Guzma, glad to be back." Ash said.

He then hugged the others in turn who all refrained from hugging Serena for the time being, offering her a handshake instead to make her feel a little less exasperated.

"Good to see you again Serena." Gladion said with a warm smile. "Seems you have been keeping Ash out of trouble."

Serena laughed. "Hahaha it's hard to do that Gladion and you know it." She then looked at Ash and smiled. "He hasn't gotten into the normal trouble but we did have a fun encounter with one of Ash's new team members. He has two new Pokémon now." She finished as she looked at the grin that spread on Ash's face.

Gladion noticed the grin and frowned. "I take it we are not going to like to battle against them?" He asked his friend.

Ash smiled broadly. "You will love it and hate it at the same time." He said.

Kukui watched the group talking before he cleared his throat. "Harumph!"

Everyone stopped what they were doing and looked at the professor with a mix of curiosity, amusement and concern, Ash and Serena with the first while Gladion and Guzma seemed to be grinning a little to smugly for Ash's liking.

"Now then, I believe we have somewhere for Ash and Serena to get to and the rest of you have someone to go train with, right Hau and Acerola?" Kukui looked right at the two Elite Four when he mentioned their names.

"Aww man, do we have to?" Kiawe asked with a scowl. "We have nothing more to teach him, he keeps beating us!" He finished as he pouted a little.

This caused Ash to look at the two with concern. "Do I need to replace you then if you keep getting beaten?" He asked with a hint of irritation and sadness at the same time.

This question caused Kiawe to look shaken. "N-n-no Ash!" He said with a shake in his voice that he tried to cover up. "We haven't shown him what really can do. We won't lose again, promise!" He finished.

Ash looked at them both. "Good. You know the rules and I'm not the one who made them. Now, go do what your supposed to do and do it with the strength I know you both have."

The two Elite ran off after waving farewell while the rest of the group started walking towards the west where Kukui's lab was. There was idle chatter among them all as Serena and Burnet rode on the back of a wagon being pulled by a pair of Tauros. It was easier for Burnet to get around with the help of the ride Pokémon and she thanked them with lots of treats and scratches under the chin at the end of every day.

As the group walked out of the city, Kukui led them down a road that branches off sooner than Ash remembered, taking them down a little dirt road that lead to the beach.

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