Chapter 13

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"Ladies and Gentlemen, welcome once again to beautiful Lumios City for the Kalos League! This year we have have even stronger trainers! We have also opened the League up to Z Moves! We expect some to be shown in battle but not many. Please turn your attention to the screen in front of you all, Trainers, as we show you the matchups for today's battles!" And announcer called over the PA system. Everyone stared at the screen, waiting to see their opponents for the day. Ash and Serena were standing near the back waiting. It must have been the anticipation as Serena found herself holding onto Ash's arm like it was a life saving device.

"I wonder who I will battle against." Ash pondered out loud. Serena looked at him and smiled. "I'm know you will do just fine against whoever it is."

As they watched the screen burst into colour as the pictures of the the trainers swirled around before they started moving into the predetermined placement on the screen. Ash breathed a sigh of relief as he noticed his picture was in the first battle slot. His opponent was Scott. He had never battled this trainer before but he knew he would be just fine.

"Ash! Your first battle is in 20 minutes! Are you sure your going to be ok?" A voice called out from the crowd.

Ash and Serena looked around before laying eyes on Alain. They both smiled as he walked up to them.

"You should know by now that I have everything under control! Besides, I'm a Champion now, I have to win!" Ash said laughing. "No, in all seriousness I'm ready. I have a feeling this time it will be different."

Alain smiled. "I hope it's you and me in the finals again Ash, that was the best battle I have had. I haven't even come close since to having that much fun." Alain then turned to Serena and gave her a quick hug. "It's good to see you again Serena, congratulations on the victory in Hoenn! Miette and Shauna haven't been able to stop talking about how you mopped the floor with them!"

Serena laughed and it made Ash smile to hear it. "Yeah, they never expected me to be as strong in the battles as I was. I took allot of what Ash did and taught me and I just worked hard, never giving up until the end!"

Alain grinned hearing Ash's catchphrase. "Alright you guys, I will let you go so you can go get ready for the battle Ash. Good luck out there, I will be rooting for you."

"See you later Alain!" Ash and Serena said as they parted ways. Serena continued to hold onto Ash's arm as they walked, neither of them seeming to notice the stares they were getting. They headed to the Trainers entrance and stopped just outside so Ash could thank Serena before heading in. Ash turns to look at Serena and takes her hands in his.

"Serena, thank you. Thank you for being my support, for being my strength and for being the words of reason when I have needed them. You have pushed me, helped me train, and helped me remember why I love competing and battling when I thought I should give it up. Because of you, I have a championship. Because of you, I have become better..."Ash had to stop before tears started forming. He took a deep breath and looked at Serena, who did have tears rolling down her cheeks. "Serena, I'm going to win this tournament for you. To show you how much I want you to travel with me."

Serena wiped the tears from her eyes and looked at Ash. "Ash...I don't...I don't know what to say. You have helped me too you know. I know you will win this. For you and for me. Your going to win this for us!" She pulled Ash into a big hug and held him close for several minutes. "Now go out there and show everyone how strong you have become. Show them why they can not underestimate my Ash!" Serena whispered into his ear before kissing his cheek quickly and walking towards the spectator entrance.

Ash just stood there with his cheeks red from blushing as he tried to make sense of what just happened. He quickly shook his head to clear it as he walked into the Trainer staging area. Ash found his tunnel entrance and waited.

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