Chapter 9

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"Fletchling, could you please go and wake up the two sleepyheads? It's already 8:30 and they should be up for breakfast before it gets cold." Grace was in the kitchen making pancakes with cooked apple slices and brown sugar. She had been up for almost an hour now and hadn't seen either Ash more Serena. She just assumed that they were in bed sleeping still as that's what normal 18 year olds do.

Fletchling flew off and started with the guest room but found it empty. It then flew into Serena's room, confident it would be able to wake her like it was used to. Once again though, the bed was empty. Fletchling was confused. It flew back into the kitchen and landed on Grace's shoulder.

"Fletch Fletchling! Fletchling!"

Grace was in shock as it told her the beds were empty. "Where could they be? I never thought they would be up this early. Maybe i should call Officer Jenny to see if..."

The door opened and the sounds of Ash and Serena talking made its way into the kitchen. Grace sighed in relief as it seemed that they were safe.

"Ash I never thought I would see moves that powerful! How did you manage to pull off so many in a row?"
"Well to be honest I haven't tried using so many Z moves in a row. I was feeling super pumped up and energized! I didn't think any of my water moves would work to be honest."

Ash and Serena walked into the kitchen and noticed Grace looking at them in shock.
"Oh good morning mom! We didn't think you would be up so early!" Serena walked over to Grace and kissed her mother on the cheek as she hugged her good morning.

"Good morning Ms. Yvonne! Hope we didn't wake you up. We decided to get up early and start training."

"Good morning Ash and Serena! Did I hear you were training? This early?" Grace asked, shocked.

"Well if I'm going to beat the Kalos league I need to train hard. Besides, my sixth Pokémon needed to get to know the rest of the team."

Ash and Serena sat down and started eating while Grace finished making the remainder of the pancakes. While eating Ash took out his Pokédex and started to read the rules for the Kalos League. He wanted to make sure he could use Z moves before any more training.

"I can't find anything that says Z moves are against the league rules. Guess that means my team can go all out every battle!" Ash said after putting down his Pokédex and taking a drink of tea.

"That's good news then!" Said Grace as she sat down to eat finally. "You said you have all six members of your team? When did you get your sixth?"

Ash and Serena looked at each other and smiled. "Greninja showed up last night as I was sitting in the backyard thinking about what you had said." Ash stated.

Grace lookup up quickly at the mention of Greninja. She knew the story behind why Ash had left him in Kalos, everyone did who knew the pair. She also knew that Greninja was one of Ash's strongest Pokémon but wasn't sure about the others.

"Now that you have all six of your team, what's the next step? When do you need to register by and what can I do to help you get ready?" Grace asked. "I know I'm the one who gave you the challenge so I want to be able to help if I can."

Ash looked over at Pikachu who was licking some ketchup off his fingers. He and his teams were always used to camping and training in the woods but this was different. He was more determined than ever to win. Ash then looked at Serena who was studying his face, trying to figure out what he was thinking. She also knew how Ash and his Pokémon trained and travelled but knew this was new territory for them. Re-challenging a League was new to Ash, and so was using only his strongest Pokémon. Ash looked back to Grace with a smile on his face after he figured out what he needed to do.

"Well Ms. Yvonne, I was going to go to the Pokémon Centre today to book a room for the next few weeks so I can train on a proper battlefield. Normally we camp in the woods and train in clearings but I want my team to train on regulation fields for this competition. All I can think of needing is going to be at the Pokémon Centre. Just your support I guess is all I could ask for."

Grace looked at Ash for a few moments, contemplating what he said. She knew he was being honest and wanted for nothing. She also knew though, that Ash had come to Vaniville for Serena. Grace was sure she knew what could be done to help him, but needed to make sure.

"Ash, I would like to offer for you to stay in the guest room. We have more than enough room here and we are only a few blocks from the battlefields. You can have a safe place to train and sleep, home made food, and you would be closer to Serena." Grace said, watching Ash closely to see what his reaction would be.

It didn't take long for Ash to respond though. "Ms Yvonne, I would love to accept, however, I wouldn't feel right. I have two weeks of hard training and each day is going to be long. My staying here would be a burden to yourself and Serena's routine. Staying in the Pokémon Centre will be more than perfect. It has several battle fields on site and will allow my Pokémon to be healed and rested quickly."

"Ash are you sure? It would be nice for you to stay with us. It's been a while since we've had company and I don't mind at all. The bed here is more comfortable than at the Pokémon Centre so you would have better sleeps. Besides, I insist!" Grace was smiling at how hard she was having to work to convince Ash to stay with them. She knew that Serena would be happier if he did.

Ash and Serena were looking at each other with small smiles and a little bit of blushing on both parts. Serena reached out with her right hand a placed it over Ash's left, giving him a bigger smile.
"Come on Ash, mother and I would enjoy it. You know you prefer my cooking to the Centre's cooking and mom's food is better than mine!"

Ash groaned inwardly. He knew he was not going to win this discussion no matter who hard he tried. Of course he wanted to stay with Serena, but he also didn't want her to get tired of him before they began their journey. He still hadn't told her what he really thought and felt towards her and didn't want to burn any chances they might have in the future. With a small shrug, he looked back at Grace and smiled broadly.

"If you both insist then I would be delighted to stay here. I just don't want to be a burden or hindrance to either of you." Ash said with some concern. "I don't want Serena to get tired of me before our journey can start and I would most definitely not want to over stay my welcome."

"I don't think either of those things could happen Ash." Serena said. "Besides, you will be training almost all day every day so you won't be a hindrance to either of us. I don't have plans at all so I can come cheer you on and help you out with what ever you might need."

"Thanks Serena. It does mean allot that you want to help out. Training for me and my Pokémon is always fun but with you helping I'm sure it will be better. Besides, you always seem to push me to do better and train harder." He said with a smile, looking at Serena blush a little. Ash turned back to Grace. "I would like to help around the house as well. I know last time I was adventuring with Serena I couldn't cook, but I took lessons in Alola and even helped with cleaning. I will do what I can if that's ok with you?"

Grace and Serena looked at each other in shock. Ash could cook? And what was with him wanting to help clean? This wasn't the same Ash from a year ago. This was a better, more mature Ash who knew what was required to be an adult and a good partner to someone in the future. Grace agreed with his request and it was settled. Ash would stay until the day before the Kalos League was to start. Then he, Serena and Grace would travel to Lumios City so they could cheer him on and hopefully see him win the event this time.

Unknown to Ash and Serena, Grace had decided that no matter what the outcome of the Kalos League, Serena and Ash were going to go to a region that would test them. It would test Ash in his battling skills and Serena in her Performance skills. Grace just hopped they would come out on top and stronger than ever.

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