Chapter 26

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The alarm was blaring in Ash's ear but he was barely stirring. It was extremely early, just hitting 5am as both Ash and Serena were catching a flight in 2 hours to Ransei.


Ash's fist slammed down onto the alarm clock, sending small pieces of the pokéball that hit the bells in all direction.

"Ugh....why did they have to book the flight so early?" Ash asked himself as he swing his legs over the edge of the bed so he could start getting up.

The sound of excited feet outside the door announced the arrival of someone outside his door. "ASH!!! TIME TO GET UP!!"

It was Serena. She was up already?

"Ugh...this is going to be a long day..." Ash said to himself. "I'm up already Serena!" He called out as he walked to the door and opened it.

As Ash opened the door, Serena turned and lunged at him, wrapping him into a massive hug while in the process causing them to fall down onto the ground with a thump.

Ash and Serena started giggling as they laid there on the floor. Serena had landed on top of Ash and her head was resting on his chest while her hair was covering his face.

Grace came up the stairs with Delia close behind, both wondering what had happened. Seeing their children on the floor made them burst out laughing.

"Ash! What did you do to Serena?!" Delia asked.

"I think it's more what did Serena do to Ash?" Grace said, causing both women to start laughing again. "I know we want to be grandmothers but not just yet!"

"Oh my Arceus! MOM!!!" Serena screeched. "That's not what this is!!"

Ash was glad no one could see his face, but he was pretty sure the heat coming off it would set Serena's hair on fire.

"Come on you two love birds, breakfast is ready and we have to leave for the airport in less than 40 minutes." Delia said with a smile. "And I agree with Grace, to young!"

The mothers walked back down stairs while Serena lifted her head and looked at Ash with a mischievous grin. "One day they will be." She said deadpan before blushing and giggling.

Ash stared at her for a few moment with a shocked look plastered to his face before he kissed her passionately. "That would be a dream come true, to have a family with you." He said.

Serena stood up and once Ash was on his feet they hugged before staring into each other's eyes for a moment. "You're my dream Ash. Always have been, always will be." She said before pushing him ahead of her and down the hallway to the stairs. "Now get downstairs so we can have breakfast before we leave!"

"Ok ok I'm going!" Ash said with a smile as he walked down the stairs.

Breakfast was pancakes and bacon with fresh squeezed juice. Ash of course had a second helping but he also helped with dishes.

After breakfast, he and Serena made sure to go over the list he had made to make sure they had everything. It was fairly comprehensive and had over fifty items on it ranging from clothing and sleeping bags, to toiletries and Pokémon food.

"That's all of it." Ash said as he finished packing his new hiking backpack. He and Serena had gotten new gear the day before including new backpacks that were able to hold more than their previous ones. They had also gotten new footwear, cooking supplies and a tent that was big enough for them both along with some extra room.

The tent didn't make their mothers overly happy, or so they let on. Delia and Grace both knew that it was only a matter of time that their children sleep in the same tent or same bed for that matter.

Their mothers had also purchased them something new for their trip. After dinner the night before, Delia and Grace had given their children a gift each that was wrapped in a simple brown paper wrapping tied together with brown string.

Ash opened his package to reveal a black cloak with panels sown onto it that made it look like armour as the panels overlapped. The hood of the cloak had what seemed like horns sown onto it, giving it an almost helmet look to it. The panels were a deep red in colour giving the cloak a very ominous yet powerful and elegant feel. With the cloak were some new pants also in black with deep red stripes, a shirt that had the same colours with a gold pokéball on the front and then red and black boots.

Serena's gift was also a cloak but it was far more elegant and delicate. It was a light shade of blush pink with oversized sleeves. There were delicate flowers sewn onto the sleeves in purple, black and red. The good was lined with faux fur that was white. Also in the package was a skirt in the same colour as the cloak while there was a black top and knee high stockings to go along with new black and pink boots.

Ash and Serena loaded their bags into the truck of the car then got into the back as the mothers sat in the front with Delia driving.

"So are you both excited?" Delia asked.

"I think we are both excited but nervous and tired at the same time." Serena replied. "Ash is almost asleep as we speak."

This was greeted with a giggle from all the ladies in the car while Ash sat up and gave his head a shake to try and wake himself up.

"I'm sorry, I just was so excited I didn't get to sleep until maybe 1 or 2 am. I think some coffee is in order." He said looking a little sheepish.

"No, no coffee Mr." Serena said. "We can sleep on the flight. It's supposed to take about 12 hours to get to Aurora. We can both have a good sleep once we get onboard and airborne."

Ash pretended to pout. ""

Serena quickly kisses Ash, causing him to stop pouting. "I think I know how I can win all our arguments!" She giggles causing everyone in the car to laugh.

Ash looked shocked but knew she was right. How would he be able to be mad at the woman he loved? He just shrugged his shoulders before taking Serena's hand in his.

There was small talk all the way to the airport, mostly regarding any information Ash and Serena could glean from their mothers who obviously knew more about Ransei but weren't giving to much information.

"Alright kids, we are here." Grace said as they pulled up to the doors of the outbound section of the Lumios City Airport. "You both are going to have so much fun!"

They all got out of the car with Ash grabbing both of their backpacks before joining them on the sidewalk, just outside the doors.

"Well, I guess this is it. This is the start of a new chapter in your lives." Delia said as she excitedly looked at both Ash and Serena. "I know you both are going to have an excellent time."

Delia gave Serena a hug before hugging Ash. "Don't you dare hurt her Ash. She is an amazing young woman who cares about you so much." She whispered to him as she hugged him.

"Don't worry mom, I don't plan on anything like that happening." Ash whispered back as he hugged his mother back.

This obviously was not the first time he was saying goodbye to his mother, but he was sure this would be the last time he did as he went to a new region.

Grace stepped forward and hugged her daughter. "Serena, have as much fun as you can. Never hesitate and always follow your heart. You and Ash are going to have so much fun." Grace said. "Don't forget to work as a team, because that's what you and Ash are."

"You have nothing to worry about mom, we will be stronger together and will never give up until it's over!" Serena said with a giggle as she saw Ash's eyes light up hearing Serena say his favourite line.

Grace then hugged Ash, pulling him into a strong embrace. "You look after my daughter Mr Ketchum, she is the only one I have." She said causing everyone to laugh.

"I will look after her with all that I have." He replied as the broke the hug.

Waving once more to their mothers, Ash and Serena donned their bags and walked into the airport, eager to start the next chapter.

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