Chapter 11

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Due to the tragic incident at The WonderTainment's Pizza Place, all of the animatronics will be scrapped due to the court's ruling, more updates will come as we follow this story for the next few weeks.

The morning, still dark out but Y/n was currently washing up and getting ready for the day, setting up and decorating the adult table and the kids table.

It was time to see the family, even though she knew there were certain members she hoped she will never see.

For you see the average family has one or more toxic people with aspects that will make you shocked that they even still be apart of the family.

Sometimes it's that one bitchy grandma and those toxic aunts that poke pathetic insults with husbands that either defend them to the end or are just one strand away to getting the milk.

Other times it's an uncle that is an asshole thinking he's high and might, or a plain ex-convict that your cousin had the audacity to defend even though they have been reported for theft.

Maybe even a few kids that your cousin spoiled rotten and they could do no wrong in them even though they stole multiple belongings and even tried to get at a celebration only to destroy the patty and make it about them.

The door opened and in came the family their cars pulled up neatly in a row like a parking lot.

But for Y/n they........

Were all happy and healthy, basically they were so much more lucky than she was.

Her cousins had been the pinnacle of success, their parents were proud though they would never let Y/n feel bad, her cousin's children were good sports and the oldest was about to head to college a bit early fully on the scholarship.

It was sickening to say the least, she knew she was much more disappointing than the other cousins and sibling, like she needed their pity even though it wasn't as bad.

The thing about having something much more worse than someone who is all bitchy and snarky, it's the feeling all of them feeling so pitiful about her, like she was some sort of injured chick that constantly needed to be checked on or helped even though it was fine on its own.

And now here they were now their eyes had curiosity and pity, they heard about the 'incident' at the WonderTainment establishment.

But it was all a bit better when Harley arrived, already a 7 years old.

Harley was happy that her aunt was there and ran over to hug her.

"Aunty n/n! Auntie n/n! Look what I made!" Said Harley as she put up her small sketchbook, and she showed her a new sketch of their pet cat, snickers.

"Impressive, why don't you go to the kids area? Dinner will be ready in a short few minutes." Said Y/n.

"Alright n/n." Said Harley as she walked away.

"She really grown, huh Cecilia?" Said Y/n, Cecilia smiled as Walter grubbily waltz into the kitchen to get to the food.

"Welcome aboard Walt!" Said Y/n before ing her eyes playfully as Walter stared at her with an unamused expression before prancing off like a ballerina.

Everything was good, everyone told stories and childhood memories and they were laughing and they ate, but soon the 'concerned' questions were in full swing.

It was all job this or job that, even question her choice to not go and find a date, it was getting to the point that as soon as Cecilia touched her older sister's shoulder asking if she was okay, it was too late and Y/n dropped her plate of food and everyone was looking at her.

Y/n looked shock but anxious and paranoid, she only looked down and murmured, 'sorry' before quickly cleaning it up and throwing it away before disappearing into a restroom to wash up.

Y/n could only imagine the scene of getting stabs of concern that felt sickening sweet to the point her throat croaked and eyes spilling tears, her face now a bright pinkish red.

Why didn't they see that she was alright? She didn't need their pity?

Multiple times she tried to tell them she didn't need their help or attention but they ignored it, and each time her response was more and more aggravated before she snapped and then she carried the guilt on her person ever since.

"Sis.... Are you alright? You've been in there for awhile, most of the family members had left." Said Cecilia, she looked up at her sister in sorrow having a guilty look as she saw Y/n's now reddish face, her eyes puffy.

"...... Do you need to talk?" Asked Cecilia softly, Y/n only hugged Cecilia, Cecilia was silent as she patted Y/n's back as Y/n cried into her softly.

"I don't want them to think of me so badly....." said Y/n, her voice hoarse and snot threatening to leak.

After a long conversation and some comfort in the dessert Y/n had made, they left and now Y/n was alone.

The house was already clean, everything was in its place, and everything was fine.

Y/n gone upstairs, opened the attic and saw the Skeksis playing Go Fish and the mystics meditating with UrSol being more intrigued by an old crossword puzzle.

The Skeksis were eager to get out and the mystics were slowly getting out and going back outside.

Y/n only slumped on her bed her head bent in thought and tiredness.

But she wasn't alone, Donner was right behind her, he was getting impatient with this dawdling.

With an iconic sharp toothed grin, he slowly approached Y/n, and pounced......

The Strange World (Yan! Skeksis x Fem! Reader x Yan! Urru)Where stories live. Discover now