Chapter 9

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"So Halloween is where humans, dress up like ghosts and monsters, go door to door, and get treats?" Said SkekSa.

"Yes, basically and the origin of it was to ward off actual ghosts because supposedly it's the one time of year the spiritual and physical are very close that beings come through, but that's a big IF." Said Y/n as she explained the Halloween holiday, so they were in the clear.

Except they must endure the Tv will show horror slasher movies.

The gourmand wanted to go out and get some free candy and SkekSa was eager to try out human candy along with SkekGra.

"Sure but another thing is, who's watching SkekMal?" Asked Y/n as she slowly turned to SkekMal who was eating the meat he hunted from a raccoon.

Oh yeah and UrSol and Urgoh joined the Halloween crusade because UrSol wanted to see the holiday in action and urgoh shared the eagerness of trying some candy, most notably, chocolate.

"Alright, now I must warn y'all, when watching a horror movie, expect a lot of decapitation, blood, organs, and absolute jump scares, and remember that none of the people are actually dead they are just acting or some special effects." Said Y/n before handing the remote to the emperor.

SkekEkt was happily snacking on some pretzels shaped like Halloween stuff and SkekLach was being teaches by skekOk and UrZah was confused on 'Florida Man' articles.


The mystics were surprised by how much candy they had gotten because they saw how much candy the neighbors had, giant bars of candy, gummies that ranged from worms to fruits.

The gourmand was feasting on his bag of candy and favoring the sweeter ones but had a disdain for sour candies.

UrSol shivered from tasting the more sour ones but he continued eating them because he liked it.

SkekSa was happily snacking on the pretzels and trading her sweets with SkekGra.

As Y/n was nibbling on her sour patch kid she suddenly had a feeling that something was going on before she asked SkekSa.

"Wait, where is UrSan?" Asked Y/n.

SkekSa was in thought for a moment before answering.

"She's been traveling the sea." Said SkekSa, Y/n was in shock.

"Wait, w h a t?" Said Y/n before SkekSa had a look of realization before acting chill.

"She's far from any settlements or ships so it's alright besides she's coming back." Said SkekSa, Y/n had a blank look it was mixed with worry, doubt, and very much a feeling that people will start to find out that she is harboring living puppets from the 80's.


UrSan was swimming in the deep oceans of the earth, she saw giant whales and squids, saw some fish that glowed and unusual ones that reminded her of thra's aquatic creatures.

But now she was swimming back to the surface and back before Y/n gets worried, that she knows because of seeing Y/n's shock when she find out from SkekSa.

UrSan saw in the moonlight some flying fish that reminded her of the Drenchen girls swimming in their swamps.

UrSan followed the fish and saw the stars and the singular moon in the sky for only a moment before diving back into the sea.

But that was before she felt a net surrounding her and lights on her, she quickly escaped the net and descended into the ocean hiding from the ship's light.

UrSan quickly swam away to go back to Y/n's place, feeling extremely anxious about the situation.

Meanwhile SkekSa stopped eating her pretzel as Y/n was driving back home, she also saw what just happened and was near horrified by the encounter, not knowing how Y/n would react if she found out.

The Gourmand passed out with a food coma.

Anyways- Y/n pulled up and she had to get some of the other Skeksis to drag the gourmand out of the car.

After checking in on the mystics to see UrSan was okay and fine like SkekSa had promised Y/n had no trouble of getting comfortable on the couch with a giant blanket watching a horror movie like 'The Thing', nightmare on elm street, even candy man.

Soon enough Y/n headed to sleep.

And as soon as they began to drift off to sleep, the garage door opened, and a snout poked through as a lip curled back to reveal a set of sharp plastic teeth with dried blood.

The Strange World (Yan! Skeksis x Fem! Reader x Yan! Urru)Hikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin