Chapter 7

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Comic Con...... a wonderful event where people of all ages across the globe come together and share their artistic ideas and cosplay, also regrettably a hot bed for perverts and con men.

And after getting all the stuff she needed to include the other Skeksis and Mystics, she also told her friends that a whole group of cosplayers will be joining them.

"Alright everyone a few rules when being in comic con, 1. Not everyone will respect you so put up with it, 2. Some will try and be assholes, don't interact and if you feel uncomfortable come to me and stay close, and 3. Not everything is yours and you cannot, and I repeat, YOU CANNOT instigate a fight or even insult them." Said Y/n, everyone looked at each other, while few known aggressive ones seemed annoyed but begrudgingly agreed, Y/n sighed in relief and gave them their badges.

Also she took the most aggressive ones because she didn't trust them with her friends, after they arrived the Skeksis and mystics gathered around Y/n and marveled at the giant building and the cosplayers that were dressed from horror movies to even the mystery gang with scooby being an actual Great Dane with the iconic collar.

SkekGra and UrGoh were good, interacting with the TCD fans and they even got to get photos with them, SkekSil got a lot of photos being the most popular and SkekEkt photobombing them which caused Y/n to literally drag him out while the fans were squealing and didn't mind.

SkekMal (un)surprisingly got so many photos with fans and he was about to let out an annoyed snarl but saw Y/n's face holding that two faced mom look, staring at him like she was going to strangle him while interacting with her friends she was happy and smiling like she didn't threaten to strangle him.

SkekSa was handling it well and interacting with pirate like cosplayers, SkekUng was taken aback when a couple of garthim cosplayers passed by, SkekLi was indulging in telling a tale to a kid and a forming crowd who applauded him.

But SkekGra and UrGoh were getting swarmed, UrVa was getting praised and SkekTek was also getting tons of praise saying how cool his mechanical eye looked.

UrSu was getting alot of photos alongside skekso who made a couple of kids scared by his appearance.

While SkekNa was hissing at teens who were scared shitless and laughed it off.

SkekAyuk was trying to find some food only for a random couple gave him a candy bar and he happily ate it.

A couple of people asked where was SkekLach and SkekOk was instantly mourning her, SkekEkt patting his back and shooing them away.

The urru were getting a lot of attention because this was their more close up appearance and UrSan and UrLii was getting most of it but UrSol was also getting a lot of attention.

Y/n was relieved that they were following the rules and not being an asshole, speaking of which, Y/n spotted a girl in a witch cosplay and a man that seemed to not wash his hair was following her and quite quicker each step, Y/n quickly went over and faked surprise, basically saying that she was looking all over for her and said that the others were waiting, the girl quickly played along and the man somehow was either stupid or dangerous because he grabbed Y/n's arm and Y/n looked at him in a surprise but offended look.

"Excuse me sir, do you have any problem?" Asked Y/n as the girl quickly stood behind Y/n, meanwhile the Skeksis and urru saw the scene and they excused themselves before quickly got behind Y/n, their aura having a noticeable anger to it.

The man saw the Skeksis and they looked pissed and they quickly caused a scene yelling at him to go away, and the man who quickly saw that everyone turned their heads and recording it, security quickly arrived and dragged him away.

Soon enough they began to coddle Y/n and her friends rushed over and asked if she was alright, and the witch cosplayer thanked her immensely and hugged Y/n before leaving.

The urru and the Skeksis got to meet voice actors, YouTubers and the urru was spreading their mystic wisdom but that did not stop them from getting to try food from the vendors, SkekShod was looking at the many shiny jewelry but they were fake much to his disappointment but he did get to see a geode in one of the vendors.

SkekEkt was obsessed with the many fabrics and wear, SkekZok was interested in the cult that was a large group of people wearing villager costumes passing by, and UrNol was sharing his experience in gardening to a couple of cosplayers that were interested in the topic.

SkekMal was interested in the slasher genre and also the cosplayers that looked like warriors and beasts walking around.

The comic con was great except trying to stop SkekMal from fighting a warrior cosplayer who was challenging him, SkekMal only snarled and strode away as UrVa shook his head before biting into a burrito.

After the Comic con was over, and Y/n having to buy a few trinkets for the Skeksis and urru they returned back into the vacation home and UrVa had another vegan burrito.

SkekGra and UrGoh posted their time at comic con on social media and they had plenty of new followers.

Also Y/n's friend sent her a video of earlier of that middle aged man and her.

"Are you...... alright Y/n?" Asked UrGoh, Y/n turned to him and nodded before he lay down near the couch and Y/n began to comb through his hair with his fingers.


SkekMal strode through the urban area careful of the cameras that were there before finding a barely open window that reeked of the man's scent.

He was going to enjoy skinning him and putting his head on a spike.

SkekMal slowly peeked inside to see the man laying on the couch snoring, he opened the window and squeezed through before grabbing his knife.

The Strange World (Yan! Skeksis x Fem! Reader x Yan! Urru)Where stories live. Discover now