Chapter 2

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The Rooster crowed loudly before Y/n heard it cawing at something before she saw him ran into the kitchen and now perching on her head before SkekMal came running in as Y/n stared at him unamused as she sipped her coffee.

Before he could speak Y/n shook her head, and the rooster joined in shaking his head.

"This guy's names Ricky, my dad named this son of a gun and he loves him, and don't try to 'hunt' the other barn animals, otherwise the cat will-" Said Y/n only to hear the cat hissing at SkekUng, the horse running away from SkekGra who was trying to pet it, and the chickens were fleeing away from SkekAyuk.

Y/n only sipped her coffee looking tired of shit while Ricky was perching on her head looking at SkekMal, SkekMal only stormed off to get his rage out somewhere else.

"Ricky promise me you won't turn into them." Said Y/n.


"Good." Said Y/n setting down her cup and passed Ricky with UrVa the archer who was going outside.

"UrVa, Ricky. Ricky, UrVa." Said Y/n before running off and caught the horse, gave SkekAyuk a scolding as she lead the chickens back into the coop, and calmed down the tortoiseshell cat, Tortoise.

After dragging the Skeksis back in the house SkekSa and SkekLi were relaxing on the couch watching a history channel of Pirates, telling them of the legendary and most famous pirates, such as Blackbeard, Calico Jack, Zheng Yi Sao, and Anne Bonny.

The Emperor had the middle and most comfortable spot of the sofa, Chamberlain sat near the Emperor, and then the other skekSis followed their seat according to their old ones in the dining hall of the crystal castle.

Y/n was impressed that the Skeksis were already getting the hold of the Tv, that was before they began bickering on which channel they wanted to watch.

SkekMal wasn't interested in the Tv and skektek was too ignored to even try to get the remote, and the Urru? The urru were outside and harmonizing with the earth, and that would seem to explain why their were sudden changes in the world, just today her family were freaking out because their was a sudden disappearance of the entire world's garbage and a sudden overrun of animals entering the large cities.

Yeah..... probably them.........

She can hear them chanting and the world shaking slightly, but the skekSis couldn't care less since they were bickering over which channel.

"Alright guys I'm heading out, so I will return later tonight, make sure you don't try and burn the place down!" Muttered Y/n.


"Yeah it was pretty weird of how easily I got accepted so easily." Said Y/n as she took a tour around the building with her employer who was pretty much handsome, tanned skin, charming smile, and short haircut.

"It's really because of the rumors and all that whatnot, saying that the souls of children murdered here possess the animatronics like some indie horror game made in the 2000's." Said the guy, totally not referring to Five nights at Freddy's.

"That wouldn't be a surprise to be honest a lot of things happen in the most unexpected places." Said Y/n having a smile but it wavered a bit into an awkward one.

"No it's honestly ok, but it's actually true that WonderTainment pizza place has a clean record and reputation, no 'murders' or disappearances, only the murder about the 'original' founders, saying that they have the usual grudge about stuff going on and they got into a brawl and apparently one of the two got their head chomped off by Gonzo's prototype mouth and the other person, his partner tried to cover up the crime only for Donner to get the jump on his and basically tore him up before calling the police as per his commands whenever someone broke in, and that was how they police found their bodies. The investors not wanting it to go to waste, changed Gonzo's mouth and they claimed ownership which is how my father own it." Said the guy as he huffed at the animatronics.

The Strange World (Yan! Skeksis x Fem! Reader x Yan! Urru)Where stories live. Discover now