Chapter 1

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Y/n looked at the fire that was destroying her place of work for the last 2 years, her place of employment, her place of meeting fucked up friends, and also her paycheck.

Y/n just tore off her work apron and hat, threw them into the fire and turned around, leaving the scene where dozens of people were watching.

"Y/n! Where are you even going?!" Said Jules as Justin was close to the fire, roasting his marshmallows and eating them without a care in the world while the other employees were having a party.

"My vacation starts now, Madafacka." Said Y/n, referencing a meme before getting into her car and driving off.

"She knows it's going to get rebuilt, right?" Asked Jules as Justin finished his s'more and biting into it, creating a gooey mess.

"SHe-hdmamsfmf." Said Justin the s'more blocking his ability to speak normally.

"Now is not the time to speak in your fucked up languages." Said Jules before ruby stepped in.

"He was saying that Y/n and the rest of us just got a notification that our place of employment is shutting down until the repairs are done, so she and the rest of us are unemployed until we find new jobs, or until it is fixed." Said Ruby as she handed Justin a napkin.

"And that is?" Asked Jules.

"Until in the next, 2 years maybe? Or after next year's Christmas." Said Ruby as she looked around, lost in thought.

"And why haven't I been told this?" Asked Jules.

"Everyone knows you ignore your emails." Said Ruby, Jules sweat dropped having now a sheepish smile.

"S-sorry." Said Jules as she opened her phone and to her emails to see that she had over 999+ emails.

"HGGGGGGHHHRRGGG?!??" Choked Justin.

"GURL- HOW LONG HAVE YOU IGNORED YOUR EMAILS?!" Yelled Ruby as she tried to stopped her hysterical laughter and shock from surfacing.

"BITCH?!- I DONT KNOW- maybe ever since I graduated middle school?" Said Jules, Ruby let out a hysterical laugh as Justin calmed down from choking.


"Yeah, thanks mom for the vacation house. Don't worry, I finished my taxes and I'm currently finding a new job until the cafe is ready and renovated. Ok, bye- yeah love you too." Said Y/n before hanging up and sighing tiredly, this was going to be a bitch.

She got out of her car and opened her door, seems like this was going to be a easy move in.

Y/n wasn't really materialistic, she only had a few decorations, furniture, and anything else goes into a box in the attic, all she needed to do now was to pack a her clothes and a few items and it was off to the house where she will find a new job-


Y/n paused as she slowly closed the door and grabbed her wooden baseball bat she had hidden behind her coat rack.

She sneaked over to see oversized bird puppets raiding her kitchen, along with oversized lizards with clothes wondering where they were.

"Oooo this looks appealing." Said SkekEkt as he picked up a decorative piece of glass that looked like a peacock.

"Hmmmm." Whimpered the chamberlain as he opened the fridge to see packed food and grabbed today's lunch.

Y/n paused before backing away only to bump into SkekMal, and like other cliche horror movies dumbasses before her, she screamed, and ran upstairs where she opened the attic door to find SkekShod raiding the jewelry box, SkekLi admiring the art and old movie posters, and SkekSa finding old trinkets that were colorful.

The Strange World (Yan! Skeksis x Fem! Reader x Yan! Urru)Where stories live. Discover now