Chapter 5

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After getting SkekGra and Urgoh out of the car and sneak them back into the house, Y/n took the opportunity to sleep on the couch, only to realize she was sleeping on top of the hunter, she rolled out of the couch only to lay down next to UrVa the archer, Y/n felt the hunter grab her and put her back on top, basically acting like a human blanket.

Y/n tried to get up only for SkekMal to growl and moved Y/n right underneath him and now Y/n was trapped, she tried to shift around only to feel sleepy from the warmth of SkekMal and was knocked out.

When she woke up SkekMal was gone, probably on another hunt, probably trying to find new prey.

As Ricky crowed, signaling the morning, Y/n changed into some oversized pajamas, some comfy slippers and socks, she began to make herself some waffles, maybe chocolate chips or add a bit of strawberry or blueberry jam, Y/n readied a plate and put the freshly made waffle onto the plate, soaked it in syrup and began to devour it.

That is until she was halfway eating the last chunk that she saw a message that she didn't expect.

: Hey Girl! Me and the girls are going out for a girls night out, we going to a movie tonight, have basically a spa day! Great ready because we are coming over to pick ya up! 😘


Y/n began to choke and SkekSa came in, rushed to Y/n and got the chunk of waffle out of her throat.

"You're lucky I saved you Y/n, now what's going on?" Asked SkekSa.

"I'm going to my friend's girls night out, uuuuhhgggg I need to go change." Said Y/n as she got out her seat and trudged upstairs to get into her clothes.

Y/n opened the door to see SkekEkt looking through her closet, and interested in an old hot pink coat that she never wore.

After promptly getting the Ornamentalist out of her room, Y/n wore a jacket, some comfy pants, and shoes.

After changing, she got out and SkekSa was right in front of her.

"What is a girl's night out?" Asked SkekSa.

"Basically it is where a group of girls or lady humans, go out, eat, have fun, and then return home when it's nighttime." Said Y/n as she gone downstairs as she styled her hair and put on some gloves so her hands don't they go frosty fingers on her.

"Alright Everyone! I'm going out I'll be back at 10!" Said Y/n as she closed the door.


"Then Jackson was all like,'Baby! Please don't talk shit about Ichabod, bro just got broke up from his girl!' And now I'm pissed because he is defending Ichadouche WHO cheated on HER! Now we ain't talking no more." Said Ruby as Y/n, Serena and Claramay were listening and they were now pissed.

"What kind of guy defends a cheater?!"

"You really should just cut em off, you don't need that toxicity in your love life!"

"Ruby, this is why we don't date people we just met in a strip club. Also please no more strip clubs, I threw up." Said Y/n remembering one of the strippers comforting her while she threw up, even was nice enough to give her some medicine for it.

"Also how's Ellie? That stripper who helped you out? Last I heard she got a better job, what was it? A- a- Oh! A Massage Therapist!" Said Ruby.

"She says she moved out since there was a serial killer running around here, who- who spreads out the victim's organs?" Said Y/n.

"Oooh shit, the Creek Organ killer? Yeah, that's some scary shit, but apparently if nobody enters the creek or only stay out of it they don't get killed and they had some suspects that were near the creek but they either found that they were out of town or they don't go into the woods anymore because of something wearing a skull for a mask." Said Ruby, Y/n turned to Ruby that detail hitting way too close to home.

"Do they have any more details about this 'killer'?" Asked Y/n.

"They do, cops patrolling the area say they saw something in the trees, to fast to even shoot at him, now they are thinking it's some kind of unknown creature or an alien, that's what the conspiracy theorists are saying." Said Ruby grabbing a piece of gum and chewing it before parking in a hair salon.

Y/n paused, was she really gonna get forced into this, Y/n turned to the girls and they all stared at her like they were actually the murderer in that murder mystery.

"Y/n, gurl, you musty and I mean that in the most respectful and also very honest way, but seriously! You need to do your hair, no excuses this is a convention." Said Ruby as Y/n held a betrayed face, adding more drama when she placed a hand on her chest and inaudibly gasped.

"Fuck all of you." Said Y/n before they all laughed and started getting out of the car.


Y/n had poofy curls now and she looked fabulous, or that's what her friends claimed and it certainly made some people spin their heads to see.

She was consuming so much snacks and she laughed at the jokes her friends made after the movie ended and was dropped off smelling like caramel, the sugary aroma surely attracted the Skeksis and some of the urru that had a sweet tooth.

And SkekGra ended up nuzzling into her poofy hairstyle, she heard his snickers and noises as his face was all up in her hair.

"What is that smell?" Said SkekAyuk as he gone a bit too close, clinging to Y/n as he smelled the scent.

"It's caramel, someone spilled their caramel corn on me, couldn't get it all off, c'mon now I need to go to my shift." Said Y/n as she pushed the Skeksis gently away before going upstairs.


Back to her shift and at the end of it she gets a call from her boss.

"We have a party on Saturday, make sure Grayson's in line, we have begun to notice the animatronics are starting to become..... 'quirky' into the daylight hours, they are no trouble of course in the midnight hours but they are costing me hundreds of dollars on replacing art and cleaning supplies along with merchandise. So we are currently working on a replacement for Grayson since he such a pain in the ass to defend from lawsuits." Said Mr. Moore.

"Got it, I will do my absolute best sir." Said Y/n.

"Good L/n, I'll see you next Friday for your payment." Said Mr. Moore before hanging up.

A party tomorrow? Making sure Grayson is not an idiotic asshole? Count on her to take on the Manchild challenge.

As Y/n left, Donner eyes began to change colors, glitching out as he began to break out of his stance and he watched through the door as Y/n drove out.

Dinner's tail began to wag.

The Strange World (Yan! Skeksis x Fem! Reader x Yan! Urru)Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora