I Hate you

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Ollie walked me back to the house with my hands behind my back and shoved me through the front door.
"Where's her room I may ask?" He questioned facing my parents who gave me a furious expression.
"Upstairs, Sam you can tell him where to go from there, or are you that lazy you can't open your mouth you little pig?" Ollie gave my mum the fattest look to shut up, maybe I should try that.
"Mrs. Kirkland, that's not an appropriate or a nice thing to say to your daughters or anyone for that matter. You end that type of behaviour and talk now!" He command and my mum's eyes widen and her mouth shut right up.
"Right, now let's go to your room" Ollie took me up the stairs and stood there waiting for me to tell him which one my room was.
"Well which one?" He asked and I rolled my eyes and started walking over to my room.

When I entered my room Ollie said to just wait where I was for a couple of minutes so I did. I heard him talking with my parents then the front door opening and closing twice, I heard footsteps coming up the stair which didn't belong to my parents so it had to be Ollie's.
"What's all of this?" I asked as Ollie bought a literal tool box and some wood like what the fuck? Is he planning on locking me in a wooden box, hell nah.
"You'll see, now can you wait patiently out side while I do what needs doing?" I was so confused.
"No not until you tell me what your doing in my room with that stuff. It's my room you can't do anything to it without telling me or asking for my permission." My mum was all of a sudden behind me.
"Actually he can. May be your room but whose house is it? Mine. I give him permission for what he's gonna do so Sam get out here and away from my room." My mum had that certain tone which I hate so I just got out of my room without questioning what ever tf was going on.

After hearing noises and what not I was getting pretty tired. Shit. I forgot I had school tomorrow. I seriously don't want to go, I get treated horrible there, I'll probably skip each and every period like I normally do since I blocked the schools number on my parents phone so they don't get the notification that I skipped. (Btw do not do that I just got that idea cause my friends do it but please don't incase the school needs to contact your guardian cause something bad may have happened 😭)

I went back into my room as Ollie came out, he got closed to my face, I thought he was gonna kiss me. Honestly I wouldn't mind that. He was so hot. He leaned over to my ear and whispered
'Don't worry, you'll be free from these drug dealers and safe and sound.. with me' My eyes widen as he went downstairs and back outside. Safe and sound with me? What the fuck? His words kept repeating in my head. What does he mean with him? I anyway went into my room and my jaw dropped. I ran over to my window which was covered in wood, held up by nails.
"WHAT THE FUCKKKK!" I screamed so loud trying to pull the wood off that covered my window completely. So I'm under house arrest or what? I sat there in disbelief crying with my head against the wall. This Ollie guy really knows how to make someone's life worse. I knew sitting there crying. I knew crying wasn't gonna help anything so I simply stood up and got my shit ready for school and went in the shower to get ready for bed.

I got ready for bed eventually after an hour of showering and skin care (I had an everything shower 😍) then hopped straight into bed and just went on my phone and scrolled through Instagram reals until I passed out.
I woke up to my alarm going off. I was not in the mood. I got up and ready for school
"Sam you better be up for school or you're finding your own way.." I heard my dad shout as he aggressively opened my door as it hit my wall when he swung it open.
"DAD IM CHANGING!" I screamed as I was pulling my top over my head.
"Does it look like I care? You came from my balls. Hurry the fuck up" he stomped away leaving me in disgust. Who said I wanted to come from your stinky, small ass dick?
I finished brushing my teeth and putting my shoes on then walked down stairs to see my mum packing Methamphetamine in little plastic bags, I just shook my head and walked out the door meeting my dad in the truck. I hopped in the front as my dad started the car then took me to school.

Escape your Misery Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora