"So, final thoughts". I took a breath.

Ron was the first to timidly begin, "Well, um, So you're dead". He blinked at me.

"So i've been told". I spoke with sarcasm.

"Your parents", He smiled awkwardly at harry, "Your parents are sold out to voldemort, by who is assumed to be Black who also sold out y/n. Then he goes onto "murder" Pettigrew". Ron wondered to himself.

Hermione stepped in next with a scoff at Ron and a quicker pace, "But only, Pettigrew is alive as we've discovered with the map". She looked at me.

"How did he die?" I asked, they all shrugged.

"So someone is lying". Harry said numbly.

My head shook still in shock.

"Why?" Ron added as we all sat confused and frustrated. "We already lost Hogsmeade trips because of Black, he tried to break into Bloody Gryffindor tower!"

"That's why we're going to professor Lupin". Hermione stated. She looked at me. "Remus".

I nodded. He was the only one with the context we needed. He would have the answers.

"We promised we'd visit Hagrid though" Harry chimed in.

"Come with us, he won't remember you". Hermione offered and I nodded.

"We'll visit Lupin later tonight". Ron scowled at Hermione.


Hagrid was a burly man, who stood at least two feet taller than the rest of us. The trio explained to me how helpful he had been in the past two years. They trusted him with their lives.

"Nice ter meet yah y/n". Hagrid smiled at me warmly when I was introduced. I nodded back.

We all sat at a table in his stone hut. His rather large dog Fang, waddled over to my side where I patted his head softly.

"Ron, that reminds meh". Hagrid walked over to a cupboard pulling out a struggling rodent. "I wound em wandering round' ere yesterday". He held the squirmy rat.

"Scabbers!" Ron rejoiced taking the rat into his hands. Hermione shook her head in disbelief.

"I think you owe someone an apology?" She snarked.

"Yes, when I see crookshanks, I'll tell him". Ron said with sharp sarcasm.

"Ugh!" Hermione growled as she stood up, before angrily bursting out the door.

"Hermione come back!" Harry called out to her from one of the windows. But she was gone.

I looked at the sun beginning to set the grounds. Early April brought had brought cool air.

"We should go Harry, It'll be dark soon". I urged as the two boys took the hint.

We said goodbye to Hagrid and left to go find Hermione.

Conveniently she had not gone far and was sitting on a bench by herself. Looking rather upset.

I looked at Ron expectantly. He breathed deeply, it was clear he felt some guilt.

"Hermione, I'm sorry I said Crookshanks ate Scabbers". He held onto his rat tightly.

Hermione looked up with a slight smile. "Really?"

"Yes". He said looking at me for help.

"Oh Ronald". She flung a hug around him as he blushed uncontrollably.

Harry made a fake gag as he looked at me. I laughed shaking my head. "We have to go?" I said.

And so we did.

Walking all the way up to the D.A.D.A room was testing. My legs felt like jello when we made it to the room. A full skeleton of a creature I could not identify hung across the ceiling, and Pixies banged and thrashed against the gold cage they were contained in.

"Professor Lupin?" Harry called out, as I realized we should probably wait outside for a moment.

Hermione, Ron, and I stood outside the large wooden door, listening in on the conversation.

(Harry POV)

Lupin appeared out of his office, walking down the stone stairs to meet me.

"Harry? To what do I owe the pleasure?" His smile was welcoming.

I stared around awkwardly. "Erm, I wanted to ask you about Sirius Black".

I could see his face immediately falter.

"Why, Harry-"I know that he killed my parents, he killed Pettigrew, and he wants to kill me". I stopped him. "I knew you were friends, all of you were". I pulled the photo y/n had let me keep out of my pocket.

I gave the photo to lupin. His face was indescribably sad. He watched the movement of the people in it, then flipped to the writing on the back. "We were all each other needed". He spoke, watching the figures move once more.

"So you knew him well, Sirius Black?" I asked.

"Yes, I knew him". He paused indisputably. "Or, I thought I did".

I wasn't sure how to respond. So I let him continue.

"Our group, we were there for each other at times when no one else was. We we're family". I could see him watching y/n.

"And y/n?" I questioned.

"I would give anything to see her again". Lupin breathed as he gave the photo back to me, as if he couldn't stand to look any longer.

My face grew conflicted knowing what he didn't. "I just, erm- I need to know what happened to Pettigrew".

"Harry, are you feeling alright?" He questioned.

I looked behind me, growing nervous. "Professor, we need your help". I stated. His face was full of concern. "I- I think we can change everything".

Lupin sighed."You cant change the past Harry, I wish it weren't so, though I-"I can't change the past professor, But, Y/n can". I felt myself grow hot with adrenaline.

Lupins face dropped immediately, "Harry I am not sure what you are talking about that's impossible". He seemed almost fearful.


"Y/n wait-"

I stepped into view before I could stop myself. "No, It's not".

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