Request - "Birthday Surprise"

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This was requested by @Aounete

As the days went by, Neteyam's 16th birthday got closer and closer. Aonung was struggling to think of a surprise for his boyfriend. Aonung had known his boyfriend for a really long time so it would be really dumb for him not to know what to get him. An idea came to mind and he decided to tell the others. He left his pod and searched for Tsireya, Lo'ak, Rotxo and Kiri outside. Neteyam was gone training with his father so he wasn't with them. "Guys!" Apnung shouted. They all turned their heads to his direction. "I have the perfect plan for Aonung's birthday!" He exclaimed.
"What is it?" Tsireya asked.
"Well I was thinking maybe we could go riding on our Ilus or a better one, collect pearls and crystals, then decorate his pod." Aonung said. Everyone looks so surprised with the idea. Normally, Aonung was the worst at planning but somehow the plan sounded good. He looked at them,
"So what do you guys think?"
"It's great!" Kiri replied. Everyone agreed.
"I guess we'll start later but we should start planning on what else we should do," Aonung said. They all nodded their heads and started coming up the best ideas. Since it was Neteyam's 16th bday they had to make it quite special for him. Aonung wanted Neteyam to have the best birthday because he loved him so much.

The next day, Neteyam was really excited, tomorrow would be his birthday. He got up and jumped up and down, waking up everyone by his squealing. "Shut up," Lo'ak argued. Neteyam rolled his eyes and left the pod. He went out to find his boyfriend. He looked everywhere but couldn't find him. Where was he? Neteyam got worried and decided to go back to his pod and ask him brother or Kiri. He went back but suspiciously there was no sign or Kiri or Lo'ak. Neteyam so Tuk playing with he dolls. "Tuk where did you're brother and sister go?" Neteyam asked.
"I can't say," Tuk replied, crossing her arms.
"Tuk why? Are they hiding something from me," Neteyam worried.
"Maybe, I can't say sorry, they promised to give me all the candies and chocolate." Tuk hesitated. Neteyam nodded his head and just accepted the fact that they were gone. He was still very anxious, what could of happened to them? This could've ruined Neteyam's birthday and his day.

The night grew darker and darker. The moon rose up to the pitch black sky. Neteyam lay down on the floor of his pod. he looked up at the moon and wish that Kiri and Lo'ak came back. He also wished he could see his friends and boyfriend. Neytiri and Jake came inside the pod with Lo'ak and Kiri. Neteyam sat up straight quickly,
"Where were you guys?"
"We were helping with something," Lo'ak replied.
"Could've called me? You guys worried me," Neteyam said. It was midnight and Neteyam was still confused on why they didn't call him, he could've done it within seconds. Than night he didn't sleep the best (overthinking king!!).
He kept having dreams or nightmares that he was worthless or useless. This made his cry while sleeping.

The birds twittered in the morning sunlight. The sun glistened in the reflection of the water. Everyone was up early, all except Neteyam. To be fair he was a deep sleeper so he didn't know what was going on. Aonung, Rotxo, Lo'ak, Tsireya and Kiri all went to the empty pod which was decorated beautifully for Neteyam's birthday. It was decorated with Aonung and Neteyam's pictures, pearls and crystals. They were Neteyam's favourite ones. "Wow this place is so beautiful," Aonung teared up.
"It really is," Rotxo agreed. The others also agreed.
"He's going to love this," Tsireya said.
"Mhm," Aonung replied.

Neteyam was walking back and fourth. His boyfriend had been missing for a day. He hasn't even tried to look for him. He hasn't even kissed, cuddled or talked to him. Neteyam felt like his birthday was ruined. He buried his face into the pillow and started sobbing quietly. 
"Baby?" Aonung whispered, entering the pod.
Neteyam's head immediately went up. He got up and hugged his boyfriend tightly. "Where were you?" Neteyam cried.
"I'm sorry, I was busy," Aonung said.
"Busy with what! Don't lie," Neteyam shouted.
"I'm not baby, come follow me, but before, put these blindfolds on," Aonung insisted. Neteyam wiped his tears and snatched the blindfolds off his boyfriends hands. He carefully wore them. "You better not be tricking me." Neteyam warned.
"I'm not," Aonung reassured, kissing his boyfriend's cheek.
"Is that apart of the surprise," Neteyam asked.
"Well if you want to consider it as it, then yes," Aonung replied. Aonung led his unaware boyfriend to the decorated pod. Everyone was waiting there (Lo'ak, Rotxo, Tsireya, Kiri and even Tuk). Once Neteyam was inside the pod, Aonung said,
"You can take off your blindfolds, Tey." Neteyam scarcely took off his blindfold and looked around. "Happy birthday Neteyam!" they all exclaimed. They sang the happy birthday song and clapped. Neteyam had his hand covering his mouth and he was looking around, bawling his eyes out. He looked at the decorations and the pictures.
"Awww, I love you guys!" Neteyam cried even harder. They all surrounded him and hugged him.
"We love you too," Tuk replied. Aonung pat Tuk's head and Tuk looked up at him smiling.
"Oh my Eywa I've never been as emotional as this," Neteyam stated, wiping his tears.
Aonung laughed, wiping Neteyam's tears with his hands. He caressed his boyfriend's face and showered it with kisses.
"It's your special day, of course we had to do this," Aonung said.

Everyone gathered around and held their presents in front of Neteyam. Neteyam looked pleased to see how much gifts Aonung got him (Aonung is his sugar daddy). Everyone gave in their gifts, all was very special but the most special was Aonung's. "Ooh what did you get me baby?" Neteyam asked.
"Well, gift cards, fast food take away, clothes, fragrance, a card, new beads for your hair but there is one gift that is really special." Aonung ranted.
"Aww you spoil me too much," Neteyam replied. He opened the last gift Aonung gave him. He was in complete shock, it was a dark and light blue necklace. "It's supposed to represent... us," Aonung said. Neteyam made eye contact with him, his eyes started watering and he ran up and hugged his boyfriend. "It's perfect," Neteyam sobbed.
"Here, I'll put it on for you," Aonung was on the urge of crying. Aonung put the necklace around Neteyam's neck. Aonung stepped back and admired his boyfriend and the necklace on him.
"You look adorable," Aonung stated.
"Alright pack it up love birds," Rotxo clapped.
"Shut up you're literally shorter than Kiri AND you're sitting on her lap," Aonung laughed. Rotxo rolled his eyes,
"Shut up." Kiri shook he head giving Aonung the death stare.
"Sorry Rotxo," Aonung apologised, he looked down, trying not to laugh.
"I mean it's true though, Rotxo is short," Lo'ak said.
"Just stop guys," Kiri said, looking at Rotxo, reassuring if he was ok. They all nodded and thought it was time to go home. Aonung and Neteyam stayed at the pod of course, it was all theres.

Neteyam and Aonung tidied the place up and set up their bed. "What do you want to do?" Aonung asked.
"Kiss?" Neteyam said. He leaned in and gave Aonung a wet kiss. "Thank you for today," Neteyam thanked.
"It was nothing," Aonung said.
"Baby, it was everything," Neteyam replied. For the rest of the night they cuddled. The pod was cold so they kept each other warm by hugging each other.

Thank you for the request!! Write more down please !!!⬇️⬇️⬇️ Don't forget to vote <3 Bye ‼️

Neteyam x Aonung || Oneshots (Requests please!!)Wo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt