Request - "Argue"

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This was requested by @Avatarloaksullyjake

Note: Lots of kissing lol.

The whole friendgroup (Neteyam, Aonung, Lo'ak, Tsireya, Roxto and Kiri) were playing truth or dare. "Rotxo truth or dare," Lo'ak asked.
"Uh, dare I guess," Rotxo replied.
"Ooh I have a dare!" Tsireya exclaimed.
"Tell him to kiss Kiri," Tsireya whispered into Lo'ak's ear.
"Ew no way, whatever fine," Lo'ak said.
"Ok you're dare is to kiss Kiri," Lo'ak said.
Rotxo instantly blushed,
"Uh no way, not in public."
"Relax Rotxo, you have my permission," Kiri blushed. Rotxo got closer to Kiri's face and kissed her cheek. "Could've been the lips but ok," Aonung stated. They all laughed, Rotxo asked,
"Aonung truth or dare?"
"Truth," Aonung answered.
"Is Neteyam a good kisser?" Rotxo asked.
"Of course!" Aonung exclaimed. Neteyam's face was smiley.
"Not." Aonung added, laughing. Neteyam's mood quickly changed angry. He said it sarcastically but Neteyam couldn't see it.
"Dayum bro, you gon let that slide?" Lo'ak asked. Neteyam shook his head,
"Why would you say that, you d*ck head." It went silent. Aonung got up and dragged Neteyam outside of the circle and into a different area where nobody would hear their conversation. "F*ck you, what do you want?" Neteyam argued.
"It was a joke calm down baby," Aonung said.
"Don't baby me! I ain't your baby," Neteyam exclaimed. Neteyam pushed Aonung but that didn't affect him because Aonung was way bigger/ taller than him. Neteyam left Aonung and went somewhere else. "Neteyam come back!" Aonung shouted. Aonung headed back to the circle. "You ok?" Rotxo asked.
"I'm fine," Aonung answered.
"You sure, you know I heard Neteyam shout," Lo'ak said.
"He'll get over it don't worry Aonung," Kiri reassured. Aonung nodded and left.

The next morning, the friend group came out again just to chat. There was tension between Aonung and Neteyam that day, they kept making eye contact but looking away whenever they caught each other. "I'm gonna leave guys," Neteyam announced.
"Aight bye," Lo'ak said. Everyone else said goodbye except Aonung who just death stared him. "You guys are still fighting?" Tsireya asked. Aonung nodded, looking down at the sand. "He won't even talk to me," Aonung said.
"I'll talk to him," Kiri said.

The boys haven't talked, kissed, cuddled or touched in like forever. All because Aonung jokingly said Neteyam was a bad kisser. Jake Sully, Neteyam's father was suspicious of this behaviour. At dinner, the two families were together and decided to talk to both of them privately. "What dad?" Neteyam asked, moving away from Aonung.
"What's up with you two, normally you're together everywhere?" Jake asked.
"Nothing," Neteyam replied.
"Aonung?" Jake said.
"Me and Neteyam have been arguing sir," Aonung stated.
"Seriously? Both of you apologise to each other right now!" Jake demanded.
"Sorry, Neteyam," Aonung said, looking down.
"Sorry, Aonung," Neteyam said.
"Good, now go back and eat dinner," Jake said.
The boys went back and ate their dinner. When they finished Neteyam went outside for fresh air. "Neteyam," someone said. It was Aonung.
"What do you f*cking want, can I just get some peace!" Neteyam shouted.
"Baby, we haven't kissed, cuddled or touched in 3 days, I can't anymore." Aonung whispered.
"Ok there is probably a reason why we haven't," Neteyam said, looking away so he doesn't get tempted by his majestical boyfriend.
"Baby that was joke please I promise! I can't anymore," Aonung cried. Neteyam looked at his sad boyfriend. "Please I beg you, plea-." Aonung couldn't finish his sentence. Neteyam interrupted with a wet kiss on the lips. Neteyam was actually a good kisser, he didn't know (bc he's insecure). They pulled apart, they were both panting really heavily. Neteyam laughed,
"So you sure I ain't a good kisser?"
"I'm very sure you're not," Aonung panted, touching his boyfriend's waist.
"Calm down Aonung, we are outside," Neteyam warned. Aonung rolled his eyes and kissed his boyfriend again but this time for longer. (yes Aonung was hungry). "Aonung!" Neteyam screeched.
"Fine if you don't want to do it here then lets go inside," Aonung rolled his eyes. He pulled his boyfriend to the empty pod and they had an entire make out session. They were very loud but luckily no one heard it, the parents were drunk in the other pod and had loud ass music. The two pulled apart from each other, they were really struggling to breathe. They both fell on the floor and Neteyam said,
"Never joke like that again."
"I promise I won't," Aonung promised.
"Or else no kisses or cuddles," Neteyam teased.
Aonung rolled his eyes and closed his eyes. He was so happy that he was with his boyfriend again.

DAYUM- that was fun to write 🙄 pls request stuff like this

Neteyam x Aonung || Oneshots (Requests please!!)Where stories live. Discover now