(1) Ello, Love

71 10 14

Copyright © carrotcakeobsessed06

I have another writing account (Crazy_Cranks) if u wanna see less crazy works from me btw!! Sorry for self promo.

This book is crazy, a mess and its intended purpose is to be a light-hearted funny read to lift your mood up a little or pass time when you're so extremely bored that you've resorted to this side of wattpad.

All the irl people I've mentioned in here will receive absolutely no hate. There will be a few comments and stereotypes but those are for joke purposes!! if you're not ok with that pls get out. I cba with any political convos right now.

Also TW// contains serious humanitarian crimes, guns, violence, etc but it's all light-hearted and for raising awareness purposes :))

Ty for reading and uhh enjoy the crazy ride!!!

For the rookies who don't know who's who^^ it's literally written on their foreheads

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For the rookies who don't know who's who^^ it's literally written on their foreheads


"That's what makes you beautiful," I hummed under my breath as I skipped my way to the bathroom.

I paused as there was a subsequent bang from downstairs. My parents had gone away on vacation for a month and I wasn't expecting anyone over. I listened carefully, pausing my music as I took out an earphone. Silence. I sighed.

Just your imagination playing tricks on you.

I shoved my earphones in my pocket as I hummed the lyrics to the rest of the song anyway. Despite the band breaking up over a decade ago, I was still one of their avid listeners and I'd made it into the top 0.1% of listeners for them last year on Spotify.

I didn't deliberately listen to them all the time. My Spotify just liked playing them a lot whenever I put it on shuffle mode. Them, and BTS.

I'm not complaining.

There was another sudden bang outside the door, and a series of bangs and crashes followed after, like something had just fallen over. I swallowed.

My parents had recently bought some new boxes and placed them next to some expensive ornaments, and since it was summer all the windows were wide open. The wind probably blew them over. I anxiously glanced at the hot, non-windy day outside.

I flushed the toilet and washed my hands with soap, combing my hair with my fingers away from my face. I unlocked the door, reaching into my pocket so I could put the earphones back in my ears (where they belonged) but paused as I was met with darkness.

Someone had run around and shut all the blinds and doors in my house, casting it into darkness. It looked wrong, especially since it was smack-bang in the middle of summer. This one has been the hottest in years.

"Ava?" I called out. "Ava, is that you?" My best friend sometimes liked to play pranks on me, but she'd never come to my house and done one as extreme as this. She knew I was home alone these holidays though and I wouldn't put it past her.

I peered my head around to get a better look, but instead was met with a flash of steel glinting in the ray of light filtering out from the bathroom. My eyes widened.

A dark hooded figure stepped out of the shadows and raised a knife towards me, their hand trembling. I froze.

"Hands up where I can see them!" They said in an attempted firm tone. I stayed there, frozen, not knowing what was happening. "I said hands up!" He repeated in a sterner voice.

I immediately raised my hands, dropping my phone and earphones onto the carpeted floor while I was at it. My heart started hammering in my chest. I'm too young to die.

Another hooded figure appeared next to the one with the knife. They were both dressed in black hoodies and bottoms, the hoods pulled up and over their heads to shroud their hair and faces. A black mask hid everything but their eyes.

"Told you lot someone would still be home," he rolled his eyes.

I frowned at his rough voice – it sounded familiar. But that's not possible. As far as I was concerned, I didn't know any people who were robbers and murderers. Did I?

"Oi, Hazza, come and check out what we found!" One of them called out.

Someone swiftly moved through the shadows until they appeared in front of me, towering over me. He raised an eyebrow as he peered down at me and I suddenly felt like a little mouse. Chills ran down my spine.

He tilted his head as his deep greenish-blue eyes skimmed over me like I was being examined in a laboratory. He chuckled deeply.

"Ello, love."

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