A Chilling Thought:

Start from the beginning

"What's on the agenda for today?" I asked.

He turned and looked me over.

"Please don't tell Elrohir," I said.

"I wasn't planning on it. I don't think he saw you," Elladan assured me.

"I had another nightmare. Legolas just wanted to comfort me."

"I know. I would only advise you both to be careful. You both are responsible for yourselves but I don't want you doing something you'll regret."

"Thank you Elladan," I smiled at my brother.

"I just don't want to see you get hurt," He replied and pulled his cloak on. 

    I wasn't confident about what Elladan meant but I knew he didn't approve of Legolas and I co-sleeping. When Legolas woke up I explained my feelings about the previous night and he agreed to moving his bed into my room. That way he could be near me but we weren't too close for what was considered proper during this stage of our relationship. The morning was cold and rainy so the four of is opted to relax in the cabin. Elladan was sitting at the table writing somethings from our journey down while his brother was sparring with Legolas. I sat on Elrohir's bed and rested. I stared up at the log ceiling wand listened to the soft patter of the rain.

I stood outside the gate waiting for a familiar sight.

The elves on horses rode towards me.

"Ada!" I yelled as I raced across the grass. The dark-haired elf scooped me up and smothered me with kisses, "My little princess! I missed you."

"I missed you too ada," I kissed his nose.

Two identical looking elves dismounted and walked over to me. My father set me on my feet and I quickly hid behind his legs. I peered at the strangers curiously.

"Lilli, this is Amrod and Amras. Your uncles!"

One of them knelt down to my height.

I looked up at my father. He smiled and nudged me forward. I looked at the strangers curiously.

"Here," The one kneeling held out a small item.

I snatched the toy from him and dashed behind my ada. My father chuckled, "She'll get used to me."

I was picked up by my mother who grabbed my father's hand.


"Ah my lovely Eilonwy! These are my brothers. Amrod and Amras."

"It is our pleasure," They bowed.

My mother smiled and nodded to them. I noticed how my father kept himself between us and his brothers. One held out a parchment to my father, "Maedhros sends his greetings. He won't give up. Not until you join us again."

"Let us discuss this elsewhere," My father turned and led my mother and I into the house.

The twins followed us and I wondered why they were here. A week later they left and took my ada away with them.

I saw myself again.

The lightning flashed in the sky as my grandmother led me through the halls of our home. With my blanket clutched to my chest my grandmother handed me to a cloaked figure. She turned and swiftly walked back to the house. I called for her as she looked back over her shoulder. The cloaked man mounted his horse and sat me in front of him. The last familiar thing I saw was the river where I used to play.

The four of us were called by Aragorn so we met with him in his own home.

"So you're telling me the reason the orcs are charging against us is because they think I can reforge the one ring?" My jaw dropped.

"As crazy as it sounds," Aragorn said. "Yes My lady. That is correct."

Legolas seated me in a chair.

"Why me? I know nothing about smithing!" I laughed in shock. "I can barely make bread."

Elrohir gave me an amused glance. I guess he remembered the bread we attempted to bake in rivendell that would have been better for taking out a few orcs.

"Well they won't get her," Legolas put his hand on my shoulder. "They'll have to go through me."

"And me," Elladan stood from his place in the corner.

"We won't let them take her," Elrohir stated.

I reached up and grabbed Legolas's hand. My leg began to do that thing it did when I was nervous.

"I won't let them touch you," Legolas whispered in my ear. "I love you."

I nodded and leaned into his touch. Elrohir sat down on the bench with his head in his hands. All of us just sat in silence.

               A while later I found myself walking down a path through the forests edge. The gray clouds still hung in the sky. I stared up at them as I walked. Why me? What did I do? It's not my fault my cousin was deceived. Because of me this entire encampment was in danger. I had brought a threat to innocent people. I knew I would do whatever I had to in order to save these people. They were our hope. 

        I saw Tulie step out on the path a few yards ahead of me. I jogged up to her.

"Tulie? What are you doing out here all alone?"

"Have you seen Ellemay?" She asked me.

"No?" I replied. "What has happened?" Her face was riddled with anxiety.

"She's gone! She took her blanket and her deer," Tulie said anxiously. "We've been looking for her all morning. She must have left sometime during the night."


"Yes, vanished."

I looked around. No one was in the area. I put my arm around her shoulders and guided her back down the path, "Ask around in the village. I'll search the woods."

"I already have," She said.

"Find Aragorn and tell his Lillian says to send out a search party."

She nodded and rushed towards the village. 

       I ran back to the cabin and grabbed my bow, quiver with arrows, and knives. I hoped I didn't have to use them. I also filled my waterskin from the bucket by the door and grabbed a few slices of dried meat. My horse was loose in the corral when I located him but he let me catch him. I rode out of the encampment along the western trail. The rain was beginning to resume as I trotted under the leafy canopy.

"Ellemay?" I called out every so often. My eyes scanned the area. 

A chilling thought flashed through my mind.

I had to find her.


Dun dun duuunnnn.....

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