Ch - 15

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Y/N returns to her Palace. She feels  something is unusual, that's when her attention is diverted by a guard whose wings were tinted green (emerald) instead of red (Ruby). Then she looks towards guards surrounding her and found even they were tinted in green color.
She understands quickly what Jungkook is slowly doing with her kingdom. He is slowly establishing his people  and is in planning of completely overtaking her kingdom. She gasps as they will soon lose their originality this way but  as soon as she steps inside her Palace, she is captured  and presented in front of Jungkook who is sitting on her throne.

Jungkook - Welcome wifey . I hope you had good story time with that old witch! So  how was your experience about your past life. Hmm.. I know it was sad (pouts sadly)

He smirks and orders the guards to chain her .

Jungkook - So did you like my backup plan wifey this is what I was preparing in all these years . I was slowly putting my people at important posts so that one day when I will overthrow the ruler of
this kingdom, they will support me. (smirk)

Y/N was too stunned to even speak something as everything was happening so fast. Jungkook steps in front of her and caresses her jaw.

Jungkook - Sad wifey... But i am giving you a chance, forget that Jimin, accept my rule and be my wife. This is all I want from you.

Y/N feels  disgusted and spits on his face .

Y/N - I would rather die than being your wife again Jungkook! (screams)

Jungkook clenches his teeth as he tried to hold her jaw tightly  this time but  he  jumps and backs away quickly on getting burning sensation because of the powers of black ring.

Jungkook - Oh you will for sure!!


They throwed her in one of the prison cells . She stumbled on her feets when an arm holds her as she bumps on a strong chest. She looks up and finds a young man of around her age and thanks that person for helping her.

?? - There is no need to thank me my majesty it's just my job to keep you safe.

Y/N - No still thank you.

He offers her a seat

Y/N - What's your name and how did you get in here.

He huffs and smiles sadly.

?? - My name is Taehyung and I am the son of one of your chief commanders. Jungkook baited dad for higher position to keep his loyalty towards him  and dad agreed to it  but  my morals didn't allowed it so I was sent to prison for going against him. This is what he did with most of the people who were at higher positions in our  kingdom behind your back, my majesty!. He baited some and imprisoned the rest.

Y/N pats his shoulders.

Y/N - I am so proud of  you for maintaining your loyalty towards your kingdom Taehyung!

Taehyung bows out of respect in front of her.

Days passed as y/n got distressed she was waiting for her last hope that is Jimin. Taehyung told her about so many things which changed behind her.
While y/n is still confused that why Jungkook is waiting for her 20th birthday so eagerly otherwise he  would have killed her by now.

Today when she slept that dream which she  gets constantly since her childhood hits her again . It is that dream which always makes her restless as if she is chasing, regretting, missing and losing something and  everything is blurry in that dream but today it brought her peace surprisingly . She finally sees Jimin's face in all that black energy. It is that energy  which used to pull her every night towards Jimin. It tried to make her meet him again.

Married to Rival Kingdom Prince || JIMIN ff (feat Yoongi and J.Jk) Место, где живут истории. Откройте их для себя