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Yoongi - What is she saying Jimin?

The light hearted atmosphere becomes serious

Jimin - She is right hyung!

Jimin narrates everything right from beginning that how he first saw her in a forest, then started searching for her and completely fell for her during that dance.

Yoongi - Hmm... So what's the name of that lucky girl?

Yoongi smiles warmly because of which Haeun huffs in relief and Jimin grins.

Jimin - Y/N! Her name is Y/N! ( smiles shyly)

Yoongi thinks for a while just then something strikes his mind his smile fades immediately making Jimin and Haeun nervous. Yoongi turns around backfacing them.

Yoongi - Y/N! The daughter of King Han ! Am I right Jimin?

Jimin nods slowly

Yoongi - Do you know who King Han is or what are his relations with us?

Jimin shakes his head looking towards Haeun.

Yoongi - He is the  one with whom we fought that one war years ago!

Jimin and Haeun gasps

Yoongi - A-and Y/N! She had an elder brother who was k-killed by me during War. So you tell me Jimin why would she accept you even after knowing your history? Why would she love you?

Jimin's heart drops. Haeun holds the arm of Jimin to support her hyung.

Yoongi - And there is a  rumour against y/n that she is a cursed princess.

Jimin - C-cursed?

Yoongi - Yes!  There is a rumour that she is cursed

Jimin - I don't believe in such rumours hyung.

Yoongi - Even if you don't believe in rumours that would not change the fact that y/n is the  daughter of our rival.

Yoongi turns around

Jimin - B-but this is history hyung. It doesn't matters any more.

Yoongi - But it may matter to her and her father  as they have lost their family member in that war.

Jimin -  Atleast let me try once. I want to give one chance to my love. I don't want to give up on her. Please hyung! Let me try!

Yoongi - Well! If she agrees to marry you I would be the most happiest person here because that guilt of snatching away her brother has burdened my heart always . If she  becomes your wife then I will give her the love of an elder brother which she missed her whole life. You can try Jimin, I will help you!

Jimin - Hyung! ( Jimin speaks with so much love and compassion)

Jimin and Haeun hugs Yoongi who hugs them back.



Jimin had to wait for three months after Yoongi's marriage to send marriage proposal at y/n's place according to tradition of His family wherein two marriages should have a gap of atleast 3 months.
But only Jimin knew how he has passed those months watching y/n  from distance.

Today He and Yoongi were going at y/n's place with marriage proposal. As they were about to leave Jen calls Jimin.

She ties a thread around his wrist.

Jen - This will protect our Jiminshi from all evil energies.

Jimin smiles and hugs Jen. Yoongi smiles warmly and approaches Jen.

Jen  - Kids turn around!

Jimin and Haeun turns around giggling while Jen quickly pecks Yoongi. Though Yoongi smiles at it but he was blushing internally so bad  .


They reached y/n's place. Yoongi looked towards Jimin and nods before entering their Palace.

Time Skip

Y/N'S father's grip tightened on the arms of his throne after Yoongi and Jimin left but as he thought about it something striked his mind and he started laughing like a maniac. He then ordered his maids to call y/n


Married to Rival Kingdom Prince || JIMIN ff (feat Yoongi and J.Jk) Where stories live. Discover now