"Ah, [Last Name]-san! Good morning! I hope you're excited for your first class today!" The elderly looking Principal greeted you, and you nodded in aggreement, "Good morning to you too, sir. And yes, I'm quite looking forward to it."

He seemed rather pleased with your somewhat improvement in Japanese, since he really didn't speak English that well. Thankfully, most of your students were foreigners and had a pretty good grasp on English. This way, you can explain without having to worry about the difficulty of the statement.

"Well, then. How about you introduce yourself to the others and then you can be on your way? I'm sure everyone must have already arrived by now." Although you didn't understand a few words that he just said, you pieced together enough information from the other words to know that he was probably asking you to introduce yourself to the rest of the teachers. So you nodded and left for where you recalled the teacher's lounge to be, when you were first given a tour a week ago.

You swiftly made your way towards the teacher's lounge and carefully slid the door open, almost letting your breathe get caught in your throat when practically everyone looked up from their seats and stared at you. You took a small gulp before stepping in and sliding the door shut.

At first, you were unsure if you should introduce yourself to everyone or just go to the empty desk that was meant to be yours. But you figured you might as well be polite and take the initiative of being direct.

With a small bow in the beginning of your introduction, you started, "Hello, I'm [Last Name][Name], the new teacher. I'm pleased to be in your care." You mentally pat yourself in the back for how good and professional your Japanese sounded, looking up slightly to gauge their reactions.

To your surprise, they continued to stare at you for a good minute before wordlessly returning to their work. You stood back to your full height, a bit annoyed with their slightly rude response and embarrassed at your plight before deciding to screw it and going to your desk.

You wordlessly went towards the rather empty looking desk and placed your bag on the chair. After gathering a few of your class materials, you began walking towards the door to go for your first class.

However, just when you were about to slide the door open, the said door slid open itself and there revealed a rather odd hair coloured man. He seemed as if he had ran all the way here, but you were more focused by how damn amazing this guy's hair colour was. It was mostly silver, with the tips of his hair being a dark blue colour.

And the surprising part was that it didn't even seem dyed because hair color code was a pretty strict thing in here, so the fact that he had blue hair tips naturally, practically blew your mind. The one thing you could discern from looking at him was that he had a kind looking face.

You immediately bowed the moment you met his brown eyes, muttering an apology that was loud enough for him to hear. However, he seemed to grin brightly upon seeing you and let out a small laugh, "Ah, are you the new teacher the Principal was telling us about? You're very young, miss!"

You blinked twice before letting an awkward smile encase your lips, even though you were screaming on the inside.

'I did not understand a single word he just said! Is he rapping in Japanese?! Slow down, my dude!!'

He was awaiting a response when one of the other teachers spoke up from behind. "Ah, Ishigami-san. She's the one for the new English Course, you know? I doubt she understood a word you just said." The kind looking guy, who you can only assume was Ishigami-san, stopped beaming like the sun for a minute before letting a calm smile form on his lips this time.

"Oh! I'm sorry if I was a bit loud... I was just asking if you were the new teacher the Principal was talking about since you seemed very young!" He spoke in perfect English, shocking you at how clear his accent was. Sure, he still had that cute Japanese accent but his words were clear and perfectly pronounced.

You stopped gaping like a fish before gathering yourself and smiling politely, "Ah, yes! I'm [Last Name][Name]. I will be teaching the Toxicology course." He let out an impressed whistle, shooting you a rather happy grin, "That's amazing! It's very nice to meet you, Ms.[Last Name]! I'm Ishigami Byakuya-er... Byakuya Ishigami, the Physics teacher!"

Ah... This guy really does seem like a nice person... but you guessed that you can never be too trusting.

His eyes widened almost immediately, as if he just made a blasphemous mistake, "Ah! I'm so sorry! You should probably go ahead to your class! During break, how about we grab lunch together so we can introduce you to everyone!" You stared at him, feeling slightly moved at how warm and bright he was.

He was like a warm teddy bear, almost having a big brother feel to him.

After you thanked him for his kindness, he moved from the door, allowing you to finally stepped out the teacher's lounge and bow at him once more with a small smile, just to be polite.

Just when you thought that your coworkers were a mean bunch, looks like there's someone easy to get along as well. You just hope he doesn't turn out to be those nice looking dudes who are actually closet perverts.

With that, you turned around and looked ahead at the hallway.

'Time to teach some kids about poison...'

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