38 | of games and keen eyes

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"The obstacle course will be an individual play but will end as a team. Each and one of you will have to race against the other, and whoever finishes will have a 50 point advantage. If one doesn't make it to the end, it's not counted." The game master—Seulgi, started. An hour after breakfast, she and her crew told us to line up at the shoreline, and there, we saw the obstacle course they have prepared. It's like the ones you see on survival shows, and now that I've seen how real this is, it definitely had me invested.

Ryujin mentioned that Seulgi's a close relative. They're not that identical, but one thing's for sure, their charisma and personalities are alike.

"Kim Minjeong, Lee Chaeryeong, Hwang Yeji, and Uchinaga Giselle—you guys are team A."

"The rest that I didn't mention, you are Team B."

"Remember that this is not just about who's going to finish, but also who's fast. Each team will only have 10 minutes to complete the course, and again, may the best team win. We will be adding up all the points and gather how fast each team finishes—so if by chance you both garner the same points, the time stamp will determine the winner. You may now pick a strategy and plan your lineups."

With that being said, I gathered everyone in a circle, planning what to do. Out of instinct, I started leading.

"We have to figure out who's the slowest." I said, looking at them. "They have mingyu, and I'm betting that guy knows how to handle obstacles like this. They're definitely gonna put him last."

"Well...I've seen you work out. You should be the last one." Winter told me. "Your toned abs says everything."

I chuckled. "No need to check me out, kim."

She winked at me, a cocky grin plastered on her face. "Too late, Hwang."

I shook my head and started getting our heads in the game. We decided that Giselle will go first, followed by Winter, Chaeryeong, then me. Looking at the other team's lineup, I guess this one will be a tough match.

First on their queue is Ningning, followed by Karina, Ryu, then Mingyu.

We'll see how tough that guy is.



With the heat of the sun touching my skin and sweat dripping off my body, I found it hard to breathe as I try to finish the last obstacle. I'm racing against Chaeryeong, and fuck—I didn't know she's been bulking up!

"Come on, Ryujin! You got this!" I heard karina scream at the top of her lungs. Cheers were heard on both sides, and no, I'm not giving up just yet.

I was on the last hang bar and swung my way onto the step box. I hit the red button to indicate i'm finished, and it was mingyu's turn. Chaeryeong caught up a few seconds after me, and there, yeji was up against him.

The vertical cargo net was a piece of cake to the both of them, and despite mingyu climbing first, she didn't seem to be having a hard time herself. She caught up easily, and with that, the idea of her really being an assassin came to mind. Not to mention, her upper body strength was no joke.

"Let's go, Yeji!!!" Winter shouted, cheering as if she's her... ugh. whatever.

I get how close they got the past few weeks given what happened to karina and her, but I just...

I hate seeing her with someone else.

"Look how fast they both are. What more if they're on the same team?" Giselle said. I mentally agreed, admiring their skill when it comes to this. I may have trained as much as yeji, but damn. She's on another level.

Bloodshed | RyejiOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora