Chapter 8: A Mess.

Start from the beginning

"Ou, I don't know, the guy is either locked in his apartment or he's not in his apartment, he's so antisocial." I mumble.

"Right now, he's locked in his apartment, I tried knocking earlier but he didn't open up." Says Myra.

"Olivia should invite him over for dinner." Izzy smiles at me.




"Why not?" Izzy whines.

"Olivia thinks all men are the same but I keep telling her, Jace is different, he's a clean soul, I've literally never seen him interacting with any chick." Myra tells Izzy.

"Oh, so, he's gay." Izzy concludes.

"No, I've met his ex, he's straight." Myra confirms.

"His ex? What's her name?" The question leaves my mouth before I can hold it in.

"Doesn't matter, what matters is this paint." She walks around the counter and starts wiping paint from my left cheek.

"Leave it, it's a part of me." I playfully shove her hands away.

"Aw, how poetic, now go." She pulls me out of the seat, I send her a glare.

"I hate you guys." I stomp my feet as I head out of the kitchen then the apartment.

I stare at his door, looking left and right in the hallway before taking three steps forward.

I swallow, knowing that he's somewhere behind this door, doing God knows what, wait, what if he's with a girl? Maybe that's why he didn't open the door for Myra.

Or maybe he didn't just want to open the door for her.

Yeah, Myra can be pushy sometimes, I wouldn't open it either.

I lift my hand, knocking twice.

No answer.

I grasp the door knob, twisting it and expecting the door to be locked but it squeaks open, the first thing I notice is that the lights are off and the apartment is too quiet.

He didn't get murdered for being too hot, did he?

I release a muffled laugh for thinking something like that.

I let myself in his apartment, looking around the place for any signs of him.

"Jace?" I call in a whisper, inching further and further inside.

The lights from the windows makes the place visible enough for me to walk to the kitchen, I almost jump when I find him sitting down on the floor, drinking liquor from the bottle.

"Geez, Jace, why are you sitting in the dark?" I place my hand over my chest, he looks up at me.

"What are you doing here?" He looks behind me like he didn't hear me come in.


"Myra and Izzy are making macaroni and meatballs, we were wondering if-"

"I already ate, thank you." He rudely cuts me off.


"Okay," I turn on my heel, "Asshole." I mutter underneath my breath and I start walking.

"Liv." He calls behind me, my brows shoot together and I slowly turn around.

"Liv?" I question, feeling my heart race a million miles.

"Sorry, Olivia." He corrects himself, his eyes moving to the floor then back up to my face.

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