Chapter Forty-One: The End

Start from the beginning

"So what am I to do?" I asked "I know the goddess wants me to stop the invasion, but I have no idea how to even begin to accomplish such a task."

"We will have to start small. I will see if I can get us an audience with the Alexandrian king. Unfortunately, the king has been hiding in a rural castle at the edge of the Kingdom ever since his unpopular decision to deport former slaves. There is a lot of unrest right now."

"Yes, I assume that was the goal of Vlansovia all along." I said. "I don't think the kingdom is any state to effectively fight them off."

"I have heard word of a village in the southern lands of the Vlansolvian Kingdom. They don't agree with the King, and they want to remain isolated within their walls at whatever cost." Katarina said. "Would you be willing to travel there with Imanthi and see if they will aid us from inside the walls?"

I glanced over to Imanthi, who sat not far away from me, but her face was unreadable. I could tell this was something she wanted me to decide for myself.

"Yes, I will go. I will do everything I can." I said.

"It will be incredibly dangerous for you to go within their borders." She said.

I looked up to meet her eyes.

"I will go."

But I didn't want to.

I didn't want to save the world and I didn't want to lead an army and I didn't want to be a hero. The goddess chose the wrong person, I knew that.

All I wanted was to be with Greta. I wanted things to be like how they were before. No, I wanted them to be better than they were before. I wanted a quiet, long lasting happiness with her by my side.

Forever and for always.

And I was going to get what I wanted, one way or another.

When I returned to my room I knew something was wrong

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When I returned to my room I knew something was wrong. Ayla was there, and her face was pensive. Something about her seemed almost nervous when she saw me.

"What is it?" I asked.

She did not say anything, just reached her hand out towards me.

There was crumpled paper between her fingers. I recognized the edges from it. It was torn from my journal. Glancing over what was written there, I knew it was from Greta, though I didn't think I had ever seen her handwriting before.

"What's this?" I asked.

"She left it for you." she said, her eyes cutting away from me to the floor. "When I got back, she was already gone."

I narrowed my eyes and took a step towards her.

"What? Gone? What do you mean? Where has she gone?"

"I don't know. I've looked, and I can look again, but I couldn't find her anywhere."

"Then look again." I said. "She couldn't have gone very far."

She grimaced and gave me a curt nod.

"Of course."

As she turned and left I looked down at the paper, running my fingers across the grooves and dents of the words. There were only two sentences written there. I didn't understand what they meant.

I wouldn't come to understand for a long time.

Please wait for me. I'll find you again. 

Book Two: Unhinged

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Book Two: Unhinged

"I'll find a way to touch you again. And then we're always going to be together." She said, "I'll build us a house— a white house with green shutters in the mountains— and I'll learn to cook and I'll make you anything you want to eat. Anything."

"Can we move somewhere warm?" I said. "I want to be warm."

"We can go anywhere you want."

"As long as it's with you." I said. "And as long as it's warm." 

I CAN'T BELIEVE I MADE IT TO THE END HELL YEAH. Thank you so much to everyone who has read this far! I've had the worst year of my life and you seriously don't know how much it means to me. 

Some things: I'm going to start posting book two on June 1st. I've already started it but I want to make sure I have enough written when I start posting that I can keep up with weekly or bi-weekly updates. I only had half of the book written when I started posting this and it got stressful near the end. 

Questions: Do you guys want me to post book two as a separate book or add it at the end of this one?


Do you want me to post extra content as an addition to this book? I have about 10k of extra scenes that I ended up putting to the side for this book and I want to do something with them. 

Again, thank you so much for even bothering to read this. It means the world to me. 

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