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Pic-Unknown (Please let us know if you know!)



"Where are we going?" Kazu asked for what seemed the hundredth time as she peered out the car window, watching a rain drop roll down the glass.

She watched as the scenery changed from the big and busy city to a significantly less populated area. Curiosity completely overwhelmed the omega and the mood wasn't overlooked by the man in the car with her. Shota Aizawa let out a low chuckle, "I told you, you'll find out soon enough."

The howling of the wind against the car and the thunderous storm they were driving through definitely didn't help her anxious mood. Kazu sighed as she pouted her bottom lip out, crossing her arms over her chest. They had been driving for the last thirty minutes but Aizawa had refused to tell her where they were going.

He had said it was a surprise but she was not one to have a lot of patience for waiting. Aizawa smiled to himself as he reached down and placed his hand on Kazu's knee, squeezing gently.

"I promise you'll enjoy it," he states matter of fact. His thumb rubbed small circles on the outside of her knee and the simple action made the omega's heart flutter.

She turned her green eyes to her soon to be mate, her stubborn attitude fading away as she gazed at Aizawa. She had recently stopped taking her suppressants and they had been waiting for her heat to naturally begin on its own.

The two had made plans to get away during her heat and were currently on the way to an unknown destination to wait out its arrival.

Aizawa had planned this trip completely. He had made arrangements for Eri to stay with Midnight while the two of them got away. He had done lots of research while they waited for Kazu's heat to begin and he was more than prepared for the intense week ahead.

He thought it was best they leave U.A. campus during their love making considering the walls were plus ultra thin. He wanted to make sure he would be able to fully indulge in his new mate this week.

Finally, after an excruciating forty-five minute drive, the car came to a stop in front of a modern one story home alongside the Sengen River. Kazu narrowed her eyes in confusion as she stared up at the gorgeous house. Did Aizawa rent a Stay BnB?

"Whoa, who's house is this? Did you rent a home?" She questions.

Aizawa reached back to pull an umbrella out from the backseat. Pulling the clasp and removing the velcro strap, he looks over to her. "No, it's mine," he states casually.

Kazu's mouth drops open in shock. "What!?"

Shrugging his shoulders, he opens the car door and quickly deploys the umbrella. The wind howled, nearly ripping the rain shield from his hands. Aizawa hurriedly rushed to Kazu's door, opening it and helping her out of the vehicle, making sure the umbrella was covering her small frame. "I bought this home when I was a full time pro hero. After the incident in Kamino, all staff and students moved onto campus. I decided to not sell my home because I wanted to have a place I could go when I needed to decompress."

Kazu looked at the alpha in awe as they walked up the cobblestone pathway, being careful not to slip on the slick stones. Once they reached the porch, Aizawa retreated back to the car to grab their luggage and gracefully carried their items without anything getting wet.

Still gaping at him, Kazu watched as he placed their things on the steps before typing in a code on the front door keypad. With a slight rattle, the door unlocked and Kazu was finally able to blink away her shock.

I'm With You (Aizawa x OC)Where stories live. Discover now