Chapter Eleven

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Pic- Unknown (Please let us know if you know!)


Once Eri returned from the day with Mirio, the young girl was given a stern lesson from Aizawa. Although Kazu felt immense guilt for putting Eri into that situation, she knew this was a hard lesson learned for the girl and for her to always tell the truth.

Over the next couple weeks, life began to fall back into place for the teacher and nanny. True to his word, Aizawa managed to get her the best suppressants prescribed to her. To her surprise, she only had to take one per month, instead of once a week as she did from Hiroshi.

Aizawa also found the time to hire a reputable lawyer for Kazu who specialized in Omega/Alpha crime. As much as she hated having another person know her secret, she knew it was mandatory if she was going to have a chance of getting her criminal charges dropped.

Kazu twirled the fancy pen between her fingers anxiously as the lawyer flipped through the pages of her file. Her leg bounced from her nerves as she blew out an anxious huff.

Aizawa had his arms crossed over his chest and his eyes squeezed tightly shut. Kazu's anxious fidgeting was getting under his skin and the alpha didn't know how much more he could take before he snapped. Kazu shifted in her seat for the hundredth time and that was the final straw.

His hand quickly reached down and gripped her knee, stopping her from bouncing it anymore. The touch alone was enough to send an electric shock through the omega and she nearly jumped from her seat when he squeezed gently, silently telling her to calm down.

Her body naturally relaxed along with his as his hand held her in place. Aizawa felt heat run up his arm when his hand met her knee. He became painfully aware of his clothes sticking to his body as he felt her relax. On instinct, his thumb began to rub small circles on the outside of her leg, enjoying the way Kazu's shoulders slumped forward a bit and her breathing evened out.

Kazu battled within herself on how to feel about the gesture. Her mind screamed to her to knock his hand away from her, but admittedly, whatever he was doing to her, she didn't want it to stop.

The clearing of a throat snapped the two out of their trance and Aizawa immediately snatched his hand back into his own lap. He shook his head to clear his mind and Kazu's face flushed a bright red and she quickly looked away from embarrassment.

"Considering you are an omega and these charges are all non-violent, you will likely be cleared of all charges and placed under your alpha or into the ORP care." The stern man boomed. His voice was just as intimidating as Kazu predicted.

Kazu grimaced at the mention of an alpha. There had to be another way. There was no way she would submit herself to an alpha just to get out of these charges. If push came to shove, she'd serve her time if it meant avoiding being forced a mate.

Aizawa looked at Kazu as her body tensed up again. He watched as she decided to keep her mouth shut and not give a smart remark to the beta in front of them. He cleared his own throat before turning his eyes back to the man in front of them.

"That's not going to happen, Mr. Horikoshi. What are her chances of the charges being dismissed without the need for an alpha or ORP?" Aizawa questions.

Horikoshi's eyebrows furrowed in confusion, "You don't plan to mate with her?"

Aizawa's mouth dropped open. He stumbled over his words, trying to get a coherent sentence to form from his lips before Kazu quickly cut him off.

"We're strictly professional. He's my employer, and trying to help me better my life," Kazu says tightly, unsure of what she was even saying.

The lawyer looked between the two skeptically. "Mmhm," he hums, as he shakes his head before writing on the paper. "I see."

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