Chapter Five

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Pic- KaasumiiArts


The next morning, Kazu awoke by the sunlight starting to peek through the curtains. She reached her hands above her head and stretched her limbs. Satisfying soft cracks could be heard and the young omega let out a small groan.

She sure could get used to sleeping like that every night; safe, warm, and comfortable. Kazu smiled to herself. Today was the first day of her new job. Her first honest work in years.

Excited, Kazu sat up in bed and threw the plush comforter off of her. She needed to start getting ready for Eri who would likely be up soon.

Walking to the bathroom, she pulled out her pink kitty backpack she had carried everywhere with her. The small bag held all of her belongings, not like it was very much. The old bag was worn and faded but it still held together and was the only item Kazu had from her childhood.

Opening it, she pulled out her toothbrush and the toothpaste she carried, as well as her vanilla scented perfume. Being homeless didn't mean she was completely unhygienic. Dental hygiene is important, you know. She also needed to mask the scent of an omega, and what better way to do that but with her favorite perfume?

After she brushed her teeth and bathed herself in perfume, she took the time to look at herself in the mirror. She had deep bags under her emerald green eyes that seemed to have lightened a bit after a good night's sleep. Her tan skin looked a little healthier after the nice shower she had despite her cheeks still looking sunken in from the lack of nutrition. Her long dark hair was also disheveled and knotted.

Kazu grimaced slightly as she looked around the bathroom in hopes to find a comb. She pulled out each cabinet and searched her bag with no luck. Looking back at herself in the mirror, she decided to use her fingers to brush through some of the knots.

After a couple minutes of working the bigger knots, she decided to give up and throw her hair into a ponytail.

"There." She muttered, giving herself one last look over.

Her eyes glanced at her clothes. She had put her spare pair on but they were littered with holes and stains. Unfortunately, they would have to work though.

Smiling to herself, she walked out of her room and down the hallway. Once she made it to the living room, she quietly peered around the space. To her luck, on one was up yet.

She took a minute to take the room in. Last night she was in too much shock and awe to fully acknowledge the place. Aizawa had really good taste, she had to admit.

The living room was spacious with a large sofa in the center. Two loveseats sat on each side of the sofa and a sleek wooden leg table was placed in front of them. A massive flat screen TV was mounted on the wall and wooden entertainment center below it. There were a few plants placed throughout the apartment and a small nook in the corner that looked like it had a few toys on it.

Turning the other direction, Kazu noticed a large kitchen connected to the living room. Walking in, she couldn't help but stare in awe at the sleek marble countertops and stainless steel appliances. I guess being a Pro-Hero and teaching at UA paid pretty well.

She opened the fridge to see it was fully stocked with lots of items. Kazu's mouth watered and her stomach rumbled. The last time she had a meal was the to-go ramen at lunch yesterday and she was more than ready to fill her belly again.

Looking through the items, she decided to pull out some bacon and eggs. That was an easy option to go with until she learned what Eri liked and didn't like.

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