Chapter Three

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Pic- unknown (Please let us know if you know!) 


Kazu looked out of the window as they made their way to the police station. Going to jail wasn't all that bad, considering. Thankfully, she took a suppressant pill earlier that afternoon while running from the police in the drug bust. She should be good for at least another week or so. After that, she would have to figure out how to get more smuggled into jail if she hadn't been released by then. Her crimes weren't violent so with any luck, they will release her quickly.

She sighed as she turned her gaze down to the small girl beside her. Eri smiled brightly at Kazu, her ruby eyes practically glowing with admiration.

Kazu couldn't help but give her a small smile back. The omega within her was jumping with the need to love and protect this girl. Why did she have to be so damn cute?

Kazu lifts her hand and pats Eri's head gently, earning a small giggle from the girl. "Ms. Kazu! Your eyes are so pretty! They are green just like Uncle Deku's!"

The omega lets out a small chuckle. "Thank you, sweetie. I can say the same about you, too! I've never seen such pretty red eyes before. To make it even better, they belong to the sweetest little girl."

Eri squeals and leans into Kazu. "I'm so happy I met you, Ms. Kazu! We are going to have so much fun together! We can play and watch movies too!" Her tiny body began to shake with excitement.

Kazu's smile faltered slightly at the young girl's words. After all, she was going to jail. She knew the likelihood of them seeing each other again was slim to none.

Deciding not to bring the mood down for Eri, Kazu turns her gaze towards the front of the car. Her eyes locked with angry dark orbs in the rearview mirror. A dry scoff leaves her lips, the glare returning to her face.

"Is there a problem, Mr. Zawa?" Kazu asks mockingly.

Mr. Zawa doesn't answer her but instead turns his gaze back to the road. After a couple of moments of silence, his gruff voice breaks through the air.

"So you have a sleeping quirk? Is that how you escaped before?" His eyes bounced back and forth between Kazu and Eri.

Kazu looks down to see Eri was already nearly asleep. Her eyes were closed and her head rested on Kazu's arm. She shifts in her spot to allow Eri to relax better against her. The young girl's silver hair fell into her face and Kazu softly tucked the loose hair out of the way. A small smile played on her lips as she stared down at the child's face. She looked peaceful. Much better than earlier today.

She didn't want to answer Mr. Zawa, after all, he was the reason she was in this mess to begin with. If only he had just taken the wallet back and let her go. She could have found another person to pickpocket and been on her way somewhere else.

"No. If you must know, my quirk is called Tranquility. I can make people calm and relaxed by touching them and releasing chemicals into their skin. If sleep is what your body needs, then my quirk only expedites the process and relaxes you enough to cave into its needs. I do not put people to sleep."

Kazu rolls her eyes and looks back out the window. If she did have a sleeping quirk, that would be a hell of a lot more use out on the streets. If she felt threatened, she could simply put her opponents to sleep and escape quickly.

Mr. Zawa lets out a rough grunt to her explanation. He's silent again for a moment before an exaggerated sigh leaves his mouth. "We are almost there. Once we arrive, we will get you booked into the system and you'll be read your rights. Please do not resist, it will only make matters worse for you."

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