Chapter One

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Pic- Nakamu_405


Heavy breathing could be heard from the young girl who ran down the alleyway, deep in the city. She clutched the wallet in her hand tightly as she tried her best to maneuver through the dumpsters, people, and bins. She had just come from the subway, snatching a wallet from a woman who had fallen asleep. The girl would have gotten away with it, had it not been for the pro hero who just so happened to also be on the train.

"Shit," she curses, coming to a dead end. She looks around frantically, trying to find any way out. She spun on her heel to make a run for it, but was stopped in her tracks by a gruff voice.

"There's nowhere to run. Just surrender now and you'll probably get a misdemeanor," it said from...above her?

The girl gasped as she looked up, seeing a dark figure hanging down from a fire escape. She was met with yellow goggles, black hair, and a scarf tightly wrapped around his arms. What kind of hero was this?!

"A misdemeanor can do a lot to a girl like me," she replies back, trying to keep her cool. She quickly glanced back towards the alley, she needed to find a way to escape. Going to jail today didn't fit her busy schedule.

The man suddenly swung down, landing in front of her with a thud. "Should have thought of that before you stole," he remarks coldly. "Was it worth thirty bucks?"

Narrowing her eyes, the girl sized up the pro-hero. "When you live on the streets, thirty bucks can do a lot for you," she shot back.

The girl looked the man up and down. He was dressed in casual clothes, which explained why she didn't notice him on the train. With his long unruly hair and shaggy clothes, it was no wonder why she mistook him as some homeless person.

She watches as his hair would casually stand up straight before falling gently back to his head. It must be his quirk. Was he using it on her?

Deciding not to escalate the situation, the girl extends the wallet out towards the hero. "Look, I don't want any trouble. Just take this back and let me go."

The man stared back at her through those yellow goggles, and it was hard for her to tell what he was thinking. He took the wallet from her before snagging her arm. "I'm not going to let you off that easily. It starts with a petty theft and before you know it, you're running with the big dogs in a bank robbing spree."

The girl rolls her eyes, trying to yank her arm away from the man. "I've been doing this for ten years. I doubt I'll start robbing banks now."

"You've been a pocket thief for 10 years? More the reason to bring you in," he sneers and she knew it was time for her last resort.

You see, this wasn't the first time the girl had gotten herself in a sticky situation. In fact, the reason she got away with it for so long was because of her quirk.

It wasn't flashy, nor was it deadly. But it was useful.

"Are you sure you want to do that? You're looking a little tired," she purrs, her quirk pulsing through her body before seeping into the man's hand where he held her arm.

The Pro's body began to relax, feeling really good all of a sudden. The hero hadn't realized what was happening as he was beginning to feel very at peace. His shoulder slacked, a deep sigh rolled through his nose, and his hand slipped from her body.

"What is this?" He slurs, his mind starting to grow hazy as he slumped against the wall.

His eyes sparked red in her direction, but she was no longer using her quirk. However, the after effects still remained in the man's body, and she was able to grab the wallet from his hand and walk away.

"It's been nice chatting, but I have to go. You should probably take a nap or something, it's such a big job being a pro," she snickers before running away.

Meanwhile the man felt his body fill with pure calmness as he dropped to the ground. A small smile of content on his lips as he closed his eyes to relax.


The door to the Ramen shop rings as Kazu Kato steps out, a nice warm to-go bowl gripped tightly in her hands. She hummed in excitement as she walked down the street, ready to find a spot and feast on the food she was able to purchase from the change found in a pocket.

Just not her pocket.

A suitable spot under a bridge looked promising. It didn't smell nor were there any people around. A few cars passed by but other than that, it looked very peaceful.

After getting comfortable, Kazu opened the bowl and was greeted by a mouthwatering smell of spices and broth; earning a groan from deep within the omega.

It had been the first warm food she scored in a while, and she was going to savor every moment of it.

Being an omega on the streets was a dangerous game. A game she's been playing since she was fifteen. She did her best to not acknowledge her subgender, if she did it would surely lead to her doom. Just the thought of being mated to an alpha made her stomach turn and the ramen threatened to come back up.

Love. What a stupid childish emotion.

She saw what an alpha-omega bond did and she vowed to never let it happen to her.

However, despite how hard she tried to ignore being an omega, she was unfortunately one, and that meant the side effects of being a weak breeding machine for selfish alphas.

After finishing her meal, Kazu reached into her pocket to pull out a small case. Opening it, she saw that she only had one pill left. "Damn," she mutters before closing the cap.

Suppressants. The only thing keeping her from becoming a sex-craved maniac who would jump on the nearest alpha around. They were hard to find, and with the decline of omegas in recent times, nearly illegal unless you were rich.

That didn't stop a street rat like Kazu. Pulling out her old and cracked phone, she texted a number she knew very well. She needed to restock her supply and this was the only way she knew how to get her hands on them.

The number replied quickly with a discreet place and time to meet. "Perfect," she whispered to herself. Kazu collected her trash from her meal and swiftly stood up, looking for the nearest trash bin. Once she discarded her trash, she quickly made her way to their destination. She needed to get there fast. People like her dealer didn't stay in one place for very long.


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