Chapter Eighteen

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Pic- Trevoshere


The sun was shining brighter that day. In her twenty-five years of life, Kazu could once say she felt truly happy. She had a little more pep in her step as she hummed to herself softly, dancing around the kitchen. She was preparing lunch for the three of them with a large smile plastered on her face. No matter what she did, she couldn't stop smiling.

Images of the previous night flashed across her mind, causing her cheeks to heat and a small giddy giggle to escape her lips. Kazu had no idea having an alpha would be that amazing. It was everything she had imagined and more.

After rolling up the last salmon sushi roll, she took a step back, closing her eyes as she let the feeling of ecstasy take over her mind again.

You are mine.

Aizawa's husky voice replayed like a record in her head. She couldn't agree more. She was his alright and no one could change that. She gave herself to him completely; physically, mentally and spiritually. Her soul belonged to the gruff alpha and the omega within her was soaring.

Her mind was racing as she wondered what the next steps for them would be. Although her trial is coming up, would he want to mate with her during her next heat? Or would he want to wait a while? She was on suppressants, so if he wanted to wait, she could.

Kazu wasn't used to this whole relationship thing and when it comes to how quickly things should move, she was lost. Maybe she could talk to Midnight or Present Mic about it when she saw them next.


She bit her lip as she thought about what that meant, her hand coming up to rub her bare neck. The butterflies that had made themselves at home in her belly the last 12 hours began to swarm and the thought of mating with Shota made Kazu's toes curl. She would be made his forever. Nothing could break their bond after that and she would devote herself to loving him the rest of her life.

Setting the rolls on a plate, she grabbed three pairs of chopsticks, bringing the dish to the table. Just as she sat at the table, Eri came running out of her room holding a freshly painted picture up.

"Look Ms. Kazu! I painted you a picture for your room!" She squealed in delight.

Kazu looked down in awe at the painting. It was pretty well done she had to admit and it slightly caught the omega off guard. There were three people all holding hands with

She snickered to herself as she pointed at the animal. "And who might this be?"

"That's Rosie. She's our puppy we're going to get soon!" Her eyes sparkled as she dreamed of the pup.

Kazu's brain froze at the name. Rose. Her cheeks heated instantly at the reminder of her and Aizawa's scandalous adventures last night. Slapping her cheeks between her hands, she gave her head a hard shake. 

"You sure are sure Shota's going to say yes to getting a puppy, huh?" She questions while stifling a laugh.

Eri's eyes grew wide while her mouth dropped open in shock before it quickly morphed in a small knowing smirk.


Eri looks around the room, seemingly searching for the missing alpha.

"Where is Mr. Zawa?" She asks while looking up at Kazu.

"He's in class I'm pretty sure." She taps her finger against her chin in thought while turning to look at the clock on the wall. "They should be breaking for lunch any minute now." She says matter of factly.

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