The Story And Shot Down

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3rd pov

We open up to a forest where we see a poster stuck onto a tree the top of the poster said dead and it had a picture of a person on it the bottom of the poster said callan the traitor then a voice spoke

Callan narrating:this is the story of how I died but don't worry this actually a very fun story and the truth is it's not even mine it's my friends story and my friends name is rapunzel and her story begins with the sun you see once upon a time a single drop of sunlight fell from the heaven's and from this small drop of sun grew a magic golden flower it had the ability to heal the sick and injured

Then an old lady holding a lamp and wearing a red robe appeared behind a rock

Callan narrating:ah you see that creepy old lady she's kind of important but we'll get back to her centuries passed and a hop skip boat ride away there grew a kingdom which was ruled by a beloved King and Queen and the Queen was about to have a baby but she got sick really sick she was running out of time and that's when people start to look for a miracle or in this case a magical golden flower

Then we appear back to the old lady who was sitting right next to the flower

Callan narrating:ah you see I told you she was important you see instead of sharing the flowers gift mother gothel kept it's power to make herself young over hundreds of years and all she had to do was sing a special song

Callan narrating:okay you guys get it she sings to it she turns young creepy right

Then gothel heard people coming so she hid the flower over a fake Bush when she left she hitted the fake the Bush with the lamp revealing the flower then the guards came and one of them saw the flower

Guard1:we found it

Then they started to dig up the flower and once they did they took it back to the kingdom unknown that gothel saw the whole thing

Callan narrating:the magic from the golden flower healed the Queen a healthy baby girl was born a princess with beautiful golden hair

Then we see the beautiful baby girl in her crib smiling and laughing

Then the king and queen smiled at their daughter the queen had brown hair a pearl necklace with a diamond on it a purple dress with a bit of white on it green eyes and purple shoes

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Then the king and queen smiled at their daughter the queen had brown hair a pearl necklace with a diamond on it a purple dress with a bit of white on it green eyes and purple shoes

Then the king and queen smiled at their daughter the queen had brown hair a pearl necklace with a diamond on it a purple dress with a bit of white on it green eyes and purple shoes

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 01, 2023 ⏰

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