CHAPTER 11: Feelings

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So there we were. The four of us, together in the cave. The whole thing was sort of creepy because that feeling I got when I was with Jesy then when I was with Jade tripled as I was in all of their company. A feeling of familiarity. A feeling like we belonged . . . together. Like I knew each of them personally and loved them all dearly. I even felt it towards Perrie who I didn't even know existed until moments ago. It was like as soon as I saw her I connected her to the fourth person Jade was talking about.

In my mind it was like I finally found . . . I don't know . . . family, friends, sisters? I had all those things already yet they all came to mind when I thought about us four.

I sighed coming out of my thoughts as I continued to tend to the tiny fire I had going in the cave to keep us warm. I wasn't sure how the cave was so cold with all of us inside it but I supposed it had an opening somewhere besides the entrance where air was flowing in.

Jade and Perrie were cuddled up together, with Jade sleeping tight and Perrie dozing off as her stomach pain slowly left her. They looked really cute like a couple of puppies. It was seriously a precious sight.

Jesy seemed to be in deep thought.

"Leigh-Anne?" she suddenly asked.

"Hmmm?" I said lazily. Watching Jade and Perrie being cozy was making me sleepy.

"I don't think there are any other contestants."

That statement woke me right up.


I had been thinking about everything from the visions to the way we all seemed to connect with each other. I mean seriously Jade had literally only said one word to Perrie and now the both of them were all cozy together fast asleep as if they'd been sisters from birth.

And the more I thought the more flashes I saw before my eyes. They were strange. Just like the visions only now they seemed more like memories. And I was sure I never had visions when I was in any of their presence before until now. I had a sick déjà vu feeling. And I suddenly knew that this entire thing wasn't just a game. In fact it wasn't a competition at all. It was a test to see if the four of us could work together. And I was almost certain that we'd done it before . . . possibly multiple times.

The details were very vague but there was one thing I knew for sure, we were the only ones in this forest. It was just us four and we were supposed to work together. That realization both comforted and frightened me. And I could tell I wasn't the only one weirded out by it because Leigh-Anne looked extremely shocked when I told her that there were no other contestants.

"What do you mean?" She asked suddenly really attentive.

I did not really want to explain about my visions and flashbacks and dreams about her and the others so all I said was, "I just feel like we are the only ones here."

She looked thoughtful for a moment. "Jes? Do you feel like you know me somehow?"

I nodded my head hoping that she asked because she felt it too. "I feel like I know all of you guys actually." I was speaking softly afraid that she didn't feel the same way and would think I was crazy.

"Hmmm . . . That's what I thought. I feel it too . . . and so does Jade. And the crazy thing is now that we've found Perrie I really do think we might be the only ones here. But then what exactly does that mean?"

"Maybe we're supposed to work together . . ." I suggested knowing somehow that that's what we were supposed to do.

"That's what Jade thinks too . . ." She was staring into the small flame. "but work together to do what exactly?"

I could only shrug at that because I truthfully had no idea what we were supposed to do next.

"Guys?" We suddenly heard Perrie whimper, "It hurts again."


I grabbed the bottle from Jade's knapsack and read the label that was on it. It said to: take two cap-full's every half hour until stomach pain stops completely.

The instructions seemed oddly specific to the situation but I didn't have time to think about that with Perrie in pain. I poured out the tonic like liquid into the cap and fed it to Perrie then repeated. The stuff seemed to work instantly.

"You's have no idea how much better that feels." She sighed as if contented then suddenly sat up causing Jade to groan.

It was only then I realized that her accent was very similar to Jade's. And once again I could understand it perfectly. What was going on here?

She started crawling towards Jesy causing Jade to sit up and fold her arms.

"Perrie." Jade groaned again as she sleepily looked at Perrie who was now hugging Jesy tightly. "Its nap time! You've gone and now I'm cold." Jade was pouting and looking cross. I'd be lying if I said it wasn't fricking adorable.

"I'm sorry Jade but I can finally move and I just have to thank Jesy for saving me." She gave Jesy a sloppy kiss on the cheek.

"No problem Pez. I'm sure you would have done the same for me." Jesy said smiling and returning Perrie's hug.

Jade got on all fours and crawled towards Jesy too. "Erm . . . I want a hug too . . . it's the least you can do for scaring me and Leigh like that. We practically almost died looking for yous."

"Yeah we had a run in with a bunch of those weird creatures . . . But we're all here and safe now so I guess that calls for a group hug!" I yelled moving towards the three of them and pulling them all into a long four way hug.

"Can I tell yous something?" Perrie suddenly said as we were ending our embrace. She was smiling hugely and her smile might be one of the brightest I'd ever seen. It reminded me of sunshine. "I feel like you guys complete me." She giggled then shrugged, "I don't know why but I just do . . . and I'd like to thank you all for saving me life. I am eternally grateful."

"Aww, it was our pleasure Pezza." I replied cheerfully and surprising myself with the nick-name. Things at the moment were so strange and full of surprises that the little things didn't matter. All I knew was that Perrie was right about the completing thing because sitting in that cave with the three of them gave me a wonderful sensation of completion that I'd never felt before. It was like I'd known they were supposed to be there all along but was being starved of them. Emotions were so complicated!

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