Chapter 17 _Lady Catherine <Devil in Prada of Pride & Prejudice XD🤣> PART 2

Comincia dall'inizio

Lady Catherine : Upon my word, you give your opinion very decidedly for so young a person. Pray, what is your age?

Lizzie : With three younger sisters grown up, you can hardly expect me to own to it.


Lady Catherine :  Come, Miss Bennet, and play for us.

Lizzie : No, I beg you.

Lady Catherine : For music is my delight. In fact, there are few people in England who have more true enjoyment of music. Or better natural taste. If I had ever learnt, I should've been a great proficient. So would Anne, if her health would've allowed her.

Lizzie : I'm not afflicted with false modesty, when I say I play poorly...

Mr. Collins : Come, Lizzie, her Ladyship demands it.

[Reluctantly Lizzie walks to the piano and Y/n trailing behind for support and also she figure that she would help with pressing  a few chord so as to not let people judge Lizzie if she made a mistake but instead her. They played the piano and try to do a duet they once knew when little]

Lady Catherine : How does Georgiana get along, Darcy?

Mr. Darcy : *who was glancing at The Bennetts, turned quickly to Lady Catherine* She plays very well.

Lady Catherine : I hope she practises. No excellence can be acquired without constant practice. I've told Mrs Collins this. Though you have no instrument, you're welcome to come to Rosings and play on the pianoforte in the housekeeper's room. You'll be in nobody's way in that part of the house.


Y/n : You mean to frighten me by coming in all your state to hear us.

Lizzie : But I won't be alarmed, even if your sister does play so well.

Mr. Darcy : I know that I cannot alarm you even should I wish it.

Colonel Fitzwilliam : What was my friend like in Hertfordshire?

Lizzie : You really care to know? Prepare yourself for something very dreadful.

Y/n : The first time we saw him, he danced with nobody, though gentlemen were scarce and there was more than one lady without a partner.

Mr. Darcy : I knew nobody beyond my own party.

Lizzie : Nobody can be introduced at a ball.

Lady Catherine : Fitzwilliam, I need you.

Mr. Darcy : I do not have the talent of conversing easily with people I have never met before.

Y/n : *only glancing through her eyelash, with an amused smirk* Perhaps you should take your aunt's advice and practise.


[Lizzie was sat in the drawing room writing =

"Dear Jane... "

While y/n was sat on the sofa near the door reading.]

[ All of a sudden Mr. Darcy barged in the room, making Y/n shocked discretely place a hand on her heart while Lizzie seem to not be fazed.]

Y/n & Lizzie : Mr Darcy.


[But Mr Darcy kept quiet.]

Y/n : Please, do be seated.

Lizzie : Mr and Mrs Collins have gone to the village.

Mr Darcy : This is a charming house. I believe my aunt did a great deal to it when Mr Collins first arrived.

Y/n : I believe so.

Lizzie : She could not have bestowed her kindness on a more grateful subject.


Y/n : Shall I call for some tea?

Mr Darcy : No, thank you. *continues to fidget with his gloves* Good day, Miss Elizabeth. Miss Y/n. it's been a pleasure.

[Charlotte enters in the house while Mr. Darcy rushes out]

Charlotte : What on earth have you done to poor Mr Darcy?

Y/n  : We have no idea.

Lizzie : I believe it has something to do with you dear sister of mine. *teasing Y/n again*

Y/n : Stop it Lizzie. Don't think of such impossible and ridiculous scenarios please.


To Be Continued .............................

PRIDE AND PREJUDICE x y/n (2005) ✔️Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora