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"Omg, guys. Ya'll won't ever believe this!" Yeonjun exclaimed, busting through Beomgyu's already open door with a big smile on his face.

"What, did you do something stupid?" Beomgyu questioned, looking up at him with an unamused face.

"Jeez, when did you get so cold? Taehyun.. was it you?" Yeonjun raised a brow, not really knowing where he is though.

"Oh, absolutely." Taehyun said from behind Yeonjun, making the older jump in shock.

"God, Taehyun! You need to stop scaring me like that!" Yeonjun scolds.

"Why? Your reaction is amazing." Taehyun laughs evily, making his was over to the spot on the bed next to Beomgyu.

"Anyways, what did you need?" Beomgyu asked, actually paying attention this time.

"Some random dude casted me to be a special cameo in their upcoming drama." He flexed, proudly leaning cooly against the door frame.

"Ooh~ you're gonna cameo in a drama." Soobin said from behind.

"Yep! That's the something special I was talking about!"

"Woah woah woah. You? A drama? Wow- actor Junnie sounds quite.." Beomgyu trails off.

"I am a great actor, just so you know!" Yeonjun huffs. He turns around and sassy walks out the door. "See ya'll never."

"Nah, wait a minute! We wanna see." Taehyun exclaimed, picking Beomgyu up and floating over to Yeonjun.

"Yeah! We wanna see." Beomgyu repeats.

"I'd love to see you act, Junnie." Soobin says, now standing beside the three.

"Okay, so obviously I'd let Soobin come since he's my boyfriend. But you two..? Eh." Yeonjun states.

"What you mean, eH? Must I remind you what I can do with you living here in my mansion?" Beomgyu states with crossed arms.

"And what? We're best friends, aren't we? There is no way you'd kick me out." Yeonjun fights.

"Uh, yes way!" Beomgyu exclaimed, obviously lying.

"Sureee. But whatever. You guys can come I guess." Yeonjun sighs.

"Yayy!!" Beomgyu and Taehyun say, doing a quick happy dance before running off to the kitchen. "Let's go see Yeonjun act!"

"Uhm, like, it starts in 5 hours." Yeonjun said.

"Nice! I have enough time to bake so much bread for the people on set!" Soobin walked off towards the kitchen.

"Oooh! On second thought, imma make out with Beomgyu. See ya!" Taehyun pulled Beomgyu to his room.

Yeonjun gave the two a look of disgust for literally making out every second of the day. He rolled his eyes and walked towards his big bunny.

"So, what type of bread are you making?" He asked, giving this big bunny boyfriend of his a back hug.

"I'm making bread." Soobin answered simply.

"Yes.. but what kind?"


"..okay but what kind."

"I don't know! It's just bread!" Soobin huffs, turning towards Yeonjun.

Yeonjun gave his waist a lil squeeze. "Ok, ok sorry. You may continue." He grins, giving Soobin a peck on the cheek.

Soobin grins back and continued on his bread making. It in fact was not just bread, but bread with jam on the inside! Special bread~

Around an hour later, Soobin was already done with batch one. Just a few more left then they can go to Yeonjun's shoot.

"I got a phone call, I'll be right back."

"Lame, let me hear too."

"Finee." Yeonjun turns his phone on speaker. "Hello?"

"Hello, is this Yeonjun?"

"Yes! Director?"

"Yeah, I was just wondering when you'll be able to come? The shoot for your scene is in 3 hours but you need to get here an hour before to do makeup and hair.

"Oh! I'll come soon. Just, my boyfriend is making everyone bread."

"Bread? Boyfriend? Uhm.. hurry please. Bring your boyfriend with you too."

"I was planning on that.. and another friend."

"Alright then. Make sure you come on time." The director hung up.

"Oo~ so I would've had to come either way!" Soobin claps his hands in excitement.

"Yeah. I'll go get Beomgyu and tell him to be ready by 4." Yeonjun then walks away to tell Beomgyu the news.

Soobin hums as he continues bread making. He was glad there were only 2 left, which is enough time to get to Yeonjun's shooting.

But to speed up the process, Soobin turned up the heat, something no one should ever do.

The bread rises in the oven and he sat in front of it to make sure it never burns. Then in just 1 hour, all of the bread was finished.

Yeonjun called Soobin to meet them in the car as they have finished getting ready. Seconds after he packed the bread, Soobin rushed to the car and sat in the front, Yeonjun driving, Beomgyu in the back.

They made it to Yeonjun's shoot just in time for him to get dressed and have the stylists and make up artists do their thing.

Now it was time for the show.


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