New friend :0

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Beomgyu looked the boy up and down before complimenting him in the most Beomgyu way possible.

"You look like a baby giant!" He exclaimed, making the boy tilt his head confusingly to the side. "And you sound like a dolphin."

"Jesus, where's your filter, Gyu?" Taehyun questions him, chuckling.

"U-Uh.." the boy starts. "If you two don't mind, I need to go now.."

"Yeah, ok! Bye bye." Beomgyu waves bye as the other walked away. "Hm, is it me or did he seem sad?" He looked up at Taehyun who was now sitting on the window sill.

"Well you did say something quite interesting." Taehyun sighs, shaking his head in disbelief.

"What did I say?" Beomgyu pouts, feeling a bit worried since he knows it was something bad.

"You called him a baby giant and that he sounds like a dolphin."

"But he does?"

Taehyun sighed an even bigger sigh than the past sighs. "Beomie, darling."

"Yeees?" He innocently bats his eyelashes.

"Ah- well what you did was what you call name calling."

"Oh no. I'm bully." Beomgyu made this face. :d

"Oh yeah, weird thing. I heard that kid say two." Taehyun held a finger to his chin.

"Two what?" Beomgyu questions.

"Like, two of you." He explains.

Of course, Beomgyu being Beomgyu, he doesn't understand. "There's two of me?!"

"No, no! Two of us!"

"There's two of us? Oh yeah there is." Beomgyu giggles, making Taehyun sigh once again.

"I wanna strangle you."

"But then i'd be dead?" Beomgyu hums when he saw the look on Taehyun's face change from angry to pouty.

Suddenly, these two idiots finally realized what it meant by two.

"Wait, two?!" They exclaimed at the same time.

"Y- do you think he knows it's not just me here.. by myself.. but with you?" Beomgyu states.

"We have to check it out for ourselves!" Taehyun then took Beomgyu's hand and flew on over to where that tall dolphin boy is, making Beomgyu run down the hall because he can't actually fly.

They catch up to the tall dolphin boy who was quite taken aback once he realized the two were following him.

"Uhm.. why are you guys following me?" He asked them, looking anywhere but Beomgyu's direction.

"Yeah we need explanations." Beomgyu grabbed the boy by the sleeve and dragged him to the nearest male bathroom.

Once all the doors were locked and all the stalls were checked to be empty, Beomgyu made a gesture that showed he was serious about something. That being Taehyun.

"How can you see me?" Taehyun starts, pulling Beomgyu closer by the waist.

"Because you're human and right beside us..?" The boy said in a questioning tone.

Beomgyu shook his head. "No, you don't get it. Taehyun's a ghost! He's dead! You shouldn't be able to see him?"

"A ghost?" He raised a brow. "I don't believe you. Ghosts aren't real." The boy huffs, crossing his arms and turning away.

Taehyun grew a tad bit irritated from the childish behavior, even though Beomgyu does this as well.

"Want me to prove it? You might faint." He spat, glaring at the tall boy.

"Yes." The said boy challenged.

"Well, don't say I didn't warn you." Taehyun then proceeds to walk through the stall door.

"Hm? I don't see what's up." The boy said.

"Excuse me? He went through that stall?" Beeomgyu states, showing how he is hitting the stall rather than going through it.

"Mm? I thought all humans can go through things? Well, except me?"

"What? What do you mean- where on earth have you seen another human go through a wall?" Beomgyu leaned back on the stall door, forgetting it was unlocked so he almost fell backwards.

But Taehyun's in that stall so Beomgyu's knight and shining armor just saved him :>

"I mean, I have always seen others go through walls and fly and stuff." He shrugged. "My parents can do that too."

"That's.. interesting." Beomgyu scratched the side of his head in confusion.

Taehyun stayed silent as he was trying to understand the situation with these pieces. That is until he thought of something. "Uhm.. what's your name?"

"Hm? Oh! I'm Huening Kai! And you?" The tall dolphin boy stated.

"Huening Kai?!" Taehyun exclaimed in shock. He was right after all. "You.. you're the first human on earth that can see ghosts!"

Beomgyu blinks once. He turned to the so called Huening Kai and the love of his life. Finally, he says a single word.


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