The past

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The two were silently looking up at the sky together, sitting on the rock.

"How do you not remember being here? But you can feel the familiarity?" The ghost asked.

"I lost my memories of my entire childhood." Beomgyu explained. Taehyun's non-existent heart just shattered. "Parents told me I jumped off a building! Sadly wasn't enough to kill me." Beomgyu huffed.

"Sadly? ..When was this?" Taehyun's worried expression explains everything. He cared so much for the older.

"When I was 13, I think I jumped to escape the reality of hardship." He felt Taehyun's hand on his. "I don't want to go through life anymore. I'm sure the old me did too."

"Beomgyu.. you have so much more time left. The future will get better." Taehyun caressed his hair. "I know it will."

"No. I don't think so. My 17 years of living, nothing really makes me happy."

"So does that mean, meeting me doesn't make you happy?"

"Well, you make me happy.. just.." Beomgyu turned to face him. "You're dead. What do I do when you leave one day?"

"I won't leave you. How about that?" Taehyun boops his nose.

"But, what if one day, the heaven fairy or something asks for you? And you- I don't know, become someone's guardian angel?"

Taehyun snickers. "Who said I'm an angel?" Beomgyu's eyes furrowed. "Look." He suddenly glowed brightly, showing off his true form.


"I'm a devil." He stated.

"But you still look like an angel..?" Beomgyu questioned, squinting his eyes at him.

"Wha?" Taehyun flew up to see his reflection in the sea below. "This is literally my devil form? Don't you see the horns? The tail? Or the black wings?"

"Uhm.. no? You still look exactly the way you did earlier." Beomgyu blinks.

Taehyun's eyes widened. "Holy shit-" he zoomed closer to Beomgyu. "Do you know what this means?!" He gleamed, eyes sparkling.

"Nope!" Beomgyu answered quickly.

Taehyun sighs. "Right, you're a human. Anyways! It means, you're my soulmatee!! Yeees!" Taehyun hugged him tightly.

Beomgyu took a bit to process what Taehyun just said before his face became a bright red. "Soulmates?! That's a real thing?!!"

"Yeah! And it sucks that you can't see the real me, my precious Beomie~" Taehyun giggles.

"Oh. Makes sense." Beomgyu bluntly said.

"Hey! What's that supposed to mean?!"

"Nothing~" Beomgyu got off the rock and walked off further into the forest.

"Yah! Gyu!" Taehyun flew beside him. "Are you saying, I'm evil?" He frowned.

"You're a devil. Are you not?" Beomgyu chuckles, raising a brow at him playfully.

"I mean- I am-"

"Then yes, you are evil." Beomgyu skips happily. Taehyun just kept floating behind him and watched him skip. Though the look on his face was in disbelief.

"Just so you know, I was one percent in, being a devil!" He groaned.

"What? There's percents too? Does that mean you're.. 51% a devil?"

"Bruh, the higher it is the nicer you are."

Beomgyu stopped skipping and turned around. "Ooh, so you're 49% a devil.. but that doesn't make sense.."

Taehyun face palms himself. "Here, let's do it like this then. I'm 51% bad and 49% good. Easy?"

"Yeah! So Taehyunie is just evil!" He giggles before running off.

"Bro! I'm good too!" Taehyun hurried after him, easily catching up because of his flying.

Taehyun then pounced on Beomgyu, pinning him to the ground. "Eek!"

"Gotcha." Taehyun smirks. Beomgyu pouts.

"Not fair! You can fly." He huffs. "Anyways, how are you so evil?"

Taehyun rolled his eyes. "I killed someone, duh."

"What?!!" Beomgyu tried to scramble away from him.

"I'm joking! I'm joking! I would never kill anyone! You'd go down to 20% if that were to happen."


"Oh right- I'm a bad child. I never, ever, ever, ever listened to my parents! My older sister was the only person I listened to. And you.. until you left. And! I always stole toys and candy from grocery stores because my parents wouldn't let me buy anything. And! I took money from kids at school because they wanted something from me so I said I wanted money in return but I never gave them what they wanted. And! I did arson. And! I-"

"Ok that's enough.. I get it, you're evil." Beomgyu shut him up.

The other rolled his eyes, smiling softly. "You know, I can sense everything that goes on in your room." Taehyun states, changing the subject a bit.

"Oh! Really? I locked the door. Did anyone break in?" Beomgyu asked, lifting himself closer to Taehyun even with his arms pinned. He was actually hoping someone did because he thinks that's exciting.

"Hmm.. sure. Your brother did." Taehyun states.

"Eh? Him? Ain't no way." Beomgyu hit the ground once again.

Taehyun floats up, lifting Beomgyu with him. "Sureee, I'll show you." In the speed of light, him and Beomgyu were standing in his room once again.

There, Beomhan stood over Beomgyu's lifeless body, just watching him.

"Wait- what if he notices me not in my body and he thinks I'm dead?!" Beomgyu exclaimed, pointing at himself.

"Then go back in your body?"

"What- Tae, how?!!"

Taehyun sighs. "Follow my lead."

He then aligned himself with Beomgyu's body, standing. He then, let himself collapse on top of Beomgyu's body, disappearing inside him.

Beomgyu's eyes widen. "Ok! I saw, now get out! That's my body!"

Taehyun smiled, making Beomgyu's body smile. Beomhan saw the smile as well, so he left the room. Taehyun then left, letting Beomgyu go back into his own body.

With a contented sigh, Beomgyu sat up on his comfy giant king sized bed.

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