A new friend

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"Beomgyu-ah? What are you looking at?" Beomgyu's father asked, looking to the left where Beomgyu was looking.

He pouts and turned his head over to his father. "So you can't see him?" He questions.

"Him? Did you make a new friend?" His mother asked from the kitchen. She couldn't see anything happening from the living room.

Beomgyu hums. "Yeah! His name is Taehyun!" He smiles.

Beomhan's eyed widened. "Woah, you're smiling." He states.


"Beomhan, I'm pretty sure he always could smile." Their father spoke, sternly.

Beomhan just rolled his eyes and left to his room. His parents were unbelievable. They haven't ever notice how Beomgyu hasn't been smiling for the past 9 years yet he did? What lame parents they are.

"Mm.. well anyways I'm going to my room." Beomgyu took his plate of cookies and brought it to his room.

Ghost boy Taehyun was just following him around for some reason. Beomgyu was just interesting and Taehyun is really curious about the world.

As Beomgyu was munching on his cookies, he just stared up at Taehyun's big eyes with his own big eyes.

Two precious boys just looking at each other without anyone else to bother them, because they can't.

If anyone saw this, they'd think Beomgyu was being a freak and would stay away, especially because he was staring up at 'nothing'.

"Taehyun, why am I the only one who can see you?" Beomgyu asks, slightly confused about earlier.

"Because, I let only you see me." Taehyun stated. He actually had no idea how. He didn't even mean to have Beomgyu suddenly see him, but his feelings made it happen.

It was probably destiny, Beomgyu thinks.

"Did you really do that just so you can follow me during school?" He asked. Taehyun only nods. "Well, school doesn't start for a while now.."

"Then we will just hangout more here." Taehyun stated. "Also, lock your door."


"If someone saw you talking to me, they'd be thinking you're talking to your roof." He shrugs. Floating is fun.

"Ok then." He got up from the floor and locked his door. "I haven't gotten a full look in the bathroom yet." Beomgyu said, looking over at the open bathroom door.

"I suggest not going in there with the lights off." Taehyun said.

"Eh? Why?" He tilts his head in confusion.


"I thought you were the only ghost?"

"Yeah, but other ghosts appear in the dark." He explains.

"That's.. interesting." Beomgyu did this face •-•

He is just not scared of ghosts. What a brave soul.

"I'm so sleepy.. when the heck is the furniture coming!!" Beomgyu whined once more.

"I can fly around and check for you?" Taehyun asked, innocent big beady eyes staring straight down at him.

"Woah, yes please!" Without a second to waster, Taehyun has already flown out the window. He came back at lightning speed. "Did you find it?"

"Five minutes from now, it'll come soon."

"Nice! Good thing I asked for a downstairs room. It'll be a lot easier to carry my bed in my room first." Beomgyu proudly says.

Taehyun only nods, agreeing to everything he says.

My only Soul | TaegyuDove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora