I Am NOT Superman. I Do Not *Have* A No-Kill Rule...

Start from the beginning

Not having enough time, or backup, to piece together what it was, I focus on the present and my current task at hand. Keeping this woman and her daughter safe, and more importantly, alive.

I swing back around, graceful like a pro hockey player on the ice, precision skilled like a baseball player, and chucked the tank bomb back to sender.

It land very, very, close to its intended target. But just far enough not to kill anyone. But send a clear message.

A man who looked like the commanding officer screamed bloody murder when the tank shell came sailing back at him.

He ducks his head, then opens one eye and sighs in relief while clutching his chest when he saw the tank bullet land a few feet away.

Allowing him to live just long enough to continue being an asshole.

"Do not get involved in Bialyan matters super bitch!!" He screeches at me like a dying vulture from the, relative, safety of the hole in the head of the tank he stood in.

My jaw clenches at the insult, but I swallow it instride because I was in their country interfering with personal affairs.

Too bad I didn't give a shit.

"Leave. Them. Alone." I bellow. Using my super strength, I compact the air in my lungs and launch it out, amplifying my voice to a thundering boom that made the men and women armed before me shiver.

Huh, they didn't expect such a loud sound to come from such a tiny woman, did they?

I suppress the urge to get overwhelmed with cockiness. I must be vigilant, as I saw the commanding officer who called me a 'Super bitch' fan out his arms and yell at his men to assume a formation that involved surrounding us on all sides that the hilly terrain would allow.

The house being on top of a hill, they could surround us from behind without breaking formation but would break line of sight from the commanding officer. Which will hinder them from getting visual instruction.

They also had wireless radio communication speakers in their helmets (I could hear the static coming from them), they couldn't risk a misfire and hit their other comrades, or the commanding officer himself, on the other side.

At least that was all the information I was hearing them scream back and forth over their speakers and walkie talkies.

"Wait. Don't those Kryptonian freaks have super listening or something?? Do you think she can hear us and all our planning???" One lieutenant paused sending commands back and forth to ask.

"Yes, I can! Your plans were really cute though!" I call over tauntingly. "I'm sure they would've worked out....maybe....not."

I hear the blood level of the general spike as he clenches his com device murderously.

"I will only repeat myself ONCE! You overglorified invasive species!!!" He bellows over to me through a megaphone one of his subordinates provided. "Leave Bialya immediately, and do not interfere with our internal affairs! Otherwise we'll nuke your precious adoptive home Metropolis off the maps!! THIS IS A PROVOCATION OF WAR!!!"

I look to the several cameras pointed at me, and drones flying through from various news networks.

People were watching.

The world was watching.

What do I do!? What do I say!?!?

My palms got clammy and my heart rate spiked.

Maybe this was a bad idea? Maybe I should've thought things through!?

Maybe Nightwing and Batman were right-

My Name is Kara Zor-El....and I am SuperGirlWhere stories live. Discover now