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It had been about a week since Minhui had last seen Kibum, both of their encounters being quite unusual. Not to mention, it seemed that whenever the two were together, something questionable always happened.

She had sometimes seen him peeking around the Music college, but had never bothered to strike up a conversation - Minhui had plenty of other things to do, being a university student was one of them.

"Min! Are you on your way to the cafeteria?"

A long haired brunette girl approached from behind, a bubbly smile beaming from her equally cheery face. She was a little shorter than Minhui and was wearing an oversized sweatshirt and tan coloured slacks.

"You want to come too?" the short-haired girl replied, stopping and waiting for her to catch up. This was Choi Jihye, Minhui's closest friend. They had been together through thick and thin, the ups and downs, the good and bad. Min trusted Jihye more than herself with her life.

"You're not doing anything after your last lecture today right?" the brunette asked enthusiastically, displaying a suspiciously innocent expression that the taller girl recognised as the same one Jihye had used a couple months ago when trying to convince Min to pretend to be her fake boyfriend for a day.

"I don't think so, why?- Wait a second, I know that smile.." Minhui caught on before the other had even asked the question, "My answer is no."

"Come onn, it'll be so fun! Just do me this one favour, please? Please? I really need your help.." Jihye's lips formed a disappointed pout and she turned away slightly to the side.

"Fine, fine what is it?" The taller girl reluctantly accepted with her shoulders slumped, already beginning to regret her decision.

"Mingyu is going to be at the party and I really need you to help me talk to him. I always get so awkward when I'm by myself!"

"And what's in it for me?"

"My friend, don't phrase it like only one of us are being benefitted here, there's loads of attractive people coming, is that not a good enough reason?"

Sighing, the taller girl decides that she needs to help her desperate friend in need and agrees. The two of them parted ways after eating the cafeteria food (which was unexpectedly good that day) and agreed to meet up in front of the nearby convenience store once their last lesson was over.

The rest of the day went by as per usual, nothing special in particular happened and soon enough, she found herself outside of the familiar store, waiting for Jihye to show up.

Sitting down on one of the red plastic chairs outside, Minhui was about to take out her phone before she spotted a certain black haired man walking out of the convenience store, a plastic bag full of groceries in his right hand.

He looked up and around, as if he was trying to find somebody but ended up making eye contact with the stranger he had met the week before.

"Hey- you helped out Kibum last week right? What's your name? I totally forgot to ask for it before, I'm so sorry." Minho jogged a little and sat down in the chair opposite you, placing the bag on the table.

"My name's Minhui but if Min is easier for you, feel free to use it." she replied, tucking her phone back into a pocket, "You're Minho right? Thanks for carrying him the rest of the way yesterday, I'm ninety-eight percent sure I would've passed out on those stairs if you hadn't showed up"

The pair let out a small laugh and Minhui noticed how small his face looked.

"This guy's visuals are insane" she thought, studying his face intently.

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