more weird shit

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So Fendy has been "sleeping with me" lately. LISTEN IDK if he ACTUALLY did it. I just hope the he didn't touch me. But anyways, I've got this little scratch on my thigh. Also EVERY. SINGLE. ONE. of my electronics has been being slow. I'm talking about my TV, my computer, my switch, and sometimes my phone! And the strangest thing is that they act up and they SAME TIME! Idk this shit is funky. It's been happening at home AND at school
. I'm surprised I'm still alive -v- Also I forgot to take the trash out Monday. So my mema said I can't touch my cheesecake. Woman! You expect me to take out the trash as 8:00 at night!? When I accidentally fell asleep to a Offenderman voice video playlist. AND been watching Offenderman videos on loop home alone!? No mam'a! So that's basically it. See ya!

My creepypasta experiencesTahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon