Chapter 17: Alive and Kicking

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"Hey, Mikael, you're bored, right?" Lucy asks.

Mikael eyes her warily. "Yes."

"And you're an Original..." Lucy stands. "Can I channel you? I need to go to the Other Side."

"It's destroyed."

"No, I made a new one," Lucy replies. "The anchor is a tombstone instead of a person this time and only the worthy souls and the good witches like Ayana and some others I know are there."

"Okay," Mikael says.

"See if they know the spell to unlink Klaus and his sire line," Davina says.

Lucy grabs her bag she carries here when she and Davina are dealing with Mikael and she looks at the spell. She grabs Mikael's arm and soon, her eyes roll back and Mikael catches her as she 'dies'.

"Just don't remove your hands from her or she'll stay dead," Davina says.

"You know that the you'll need won't be natural," Mikael says. "You're trying to erase the link between an Original and every single vampire he's sired."

"All I care about are Marcel, Josh, and Lucy," Davina says. "You kill Klaus? They die, too. I can fix that. I have Esther's grimoire, I have that grimoire from Salem, and Lucy's in the Other Side where her selected few worthy souls are currently living. It's just a matter of time."

"Perhaps I can help you solve the riddle," Mikael offers.

"Unless you trick me into a spell that will free you from my control," an unconvinced Davina counters.

Davina does oddly trust Mikael to not release Lucy. He might call hybrids abominations but for some reason, he seems to have a soft spot for Lucille. Davina can only imagine that it's because of Lucy's magic that she still has access to as a vampire. Mikael does have a soft spot for heretics, mainly because Esther does not.

"You know, for someone who despises Klaus so much, you certainly share his paranoia," Mikael says. "The sooner you and Lucille perform the spell, the sooner I'll be free to kill the bastard."

Lucy gasps awake and Davina hurries to her side. "Ayana agreed to help me with a powerful but natural spell to unlink Klaus and his sire line..." she looks at Mikael. "But she doesn't want Klaus dead."

Mikael rolls his eyes. "Ayana was the one who tried to stop Esther from cursing him, from turning them all into vampires."

"And I can't say that I blame her," Lucille says simply. "But those were Ayana's conditions. So we'll have to find another way."

Davina's phone buzzes and it's from Kaleb/Kol.

To: Davina
"Coffee with u and the missus? Now-ish?"

Davina smiles and she shows it to Lucy. Lucy sighs and she nods.

"I guess we should appease the cute boy," Lucy muses.

The two stand up and leave. Kaleb/Kol sneaks through the church and up the stairs to the attic that is no longer Davina's home.

Vivian sees Klaus, Hayley, and... Damon?, arrive in the Bayou.

"Damon?" Vivian says as she comes out of the trees.

"Viv!" Damon cheers.

"What're you doing in New Orleans?"

"Oh, an un-sired Elena chose Stefan," Damon replies. "Turns out, little Lucy was right. It was Elena's hatred that sired her to me."

Once Elena had her humanity back on and the sire bond was broken, she broke up with Damon and chose Stefan. Klaus offered Damon a place to stay at the abattoir and Damon accepted.

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