Chapter 6: Pretty Dresses & Loving Kisses

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There is music playing during the morning time and the Originals and Lucy are all sitting around. Rebekah and Lucille are having their nails done, Rebekah her toes and Lucy her fingernails. Kol is standing in front of a full-length mirror wearing a black evening shirt while a tailor adjusts it. Elijah snd Finn at Waldo in the room helping prepare for the ball Esther is hosting this evening. Rebekah and Lucy have done went shopping for the perfect dress.

"Rebekah?" Kol muses. "Tell me how handsome I look.'

"Ah Kol, you know I can't be compelled," Rebekah muses.

Lucy laughs while Finn grins a little. That's about when Klaus comes storming in and up to Rebekah.

"You went after Elena?" He snaps. "What is wrong with you?"

"Here we go," Rebekah murmurs.

"Do you want another dagger in your heart?" Klaus snaps.

Kol rolls his eyes. "Again with the dagger threats?" He asks, unamused. "Don't you have any other tricks?"

"Oh, go back to staring at yourself, Kol," Klaus says snappily.

"And who are you, my father?" Kol challenges.

"No, Kol, but you're in my house," Klaus retorts back as he steps toward his youngest brother challengingly.

"Then perhaps we should go outside," Kol suggests as they stare at each other.

"Enough!" Esther demands as she enters the room. "Niklaus. Come."

When Rebekah stands up to leave the room when her nails are done, Kol moves to steal her spot beside Lucy and he lays against her lap as the woman starts on her toes and he hangs his legs off the couch arm.

"Hello, Darling," Kol greets his soulmate with a cocky grin.

She looks down at him. "Hi," she greets before she watches as people decorate some.

Rebekah and Lucille go out again later and they go to the Grill. Rebekah is inviting Matt Donovan to be her date since Lucy and Kol agreed last night they'd be dates to this event this evening.

"Careful Caroline," Rebekah arms as she and the tribrid approach Elena and her friend Caroline Forbes. "It's all well and good until she stabs you in the back.'

"What are you doing here?" Elena asks, her lips twisting in a distasteful sneer. "I know your mom's rules. No hurting the locals."

"Get over yourself, Elena," Rebekah says. "It's not all about you."

Rebekah walks over to Matt. Lucy smiles innocently at the two before following.

"Who's that with Rebekah?" Caroline asks once she gets over the shock of Rebekah inviting Matt to the ball.

"I think Damon says her name is Lucille or something," Elena says. "She's the one hybrid that Klaus helped out of the sire bond. She's so innocent compared to the others."

"I know," Caroline agrees as they watch Rebekah and Lucy leave the Grill.


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