Chapter 12: After School Special

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Kol and Lucy went all over the world during their time together. South Island, New Zealand; Paris; Maui; Bora Bora; you name it. Lucy's all time favorite was Italy. Rome had the historical sites, and then there was the food. She loved shopping in Paris and in New York City.  They became an official couple in Barcelona, Spain during some type of street festival. They learned from a seer in Rio that they each have a second soulmate, the same one.

Kol did his stint in polyamory before Klaus and Elijah daggered him in 1915. He actually liked it and he's glad that Lucy is, too.

Currently, the two are walking down the hallway of Mystic Falls High School with Professor Atticus Shane just like Rebekah said over her phone call to the couple. They walk into the library and they see that she has Stefan and Elena hostage while April Young is there, as well.

"Sister..." Kol muses. "Look at this! You're even worse than Klaus."

"Kol, Lucy, finally," Rebekah says when she sees them. "Did you bring what I asked for?"

Lucy grabs Shane and she shoves him on into the library.

"You must be Shane," Rebekah says. "Lucy, can you sit here for me, please?"

Lucy nods and she goes to look around. "You guys have more of a book selection that they did at my old school in Owl's Head."

"Did you quit school?" Caroline Forbes asks, all judgy.

"I graduated right before I triggered my werewolf curse, actually," Lucy admits. "I was seventeen when I graduated. I triggered my curse on my eighteenth birthday and a month and a week later, Klaus is at my pack's camp. The others are dead, my mom, too, because Klaus gave them a choice. Hybrid or die. They died. I chose life. But... I got to finish school." She grabs a Twilight book. "Eclipse was my favorite."

Caroline smiles to herself. "Mine, too," she admits.

"Lucille!" Kol says frantically as he comes into the library.

"Kol?" She rushes over to him.

"It's time to go, Darling," Kol says, almost in a panic.

"Kol, what's wrong?"

"I'll explain later, come." Kol grabs her hand and he speeds them away from the library and the high school. They jump onto the clock tower in town. "I'm going to tell you about an immortal named Silas."

"That doesn't sound good," Lucy says.

Kol shakes his head and says, "It's not." He grabs Lucy's face as they stand before the clock. "If Silas rises, he will bring Hell on Earth. Will you help me keep them from rising him?"

"I will do everything in my power to help you," Lucy replies. "Everything."

Kol nods and he kisses her. Right now after learning that Shane only wants Silas and not the cure to vampirism, Lucille Baxter is the only thing that's sane in Kol Mikaelsson's life.

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