Chapter Thirty-Seven

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Killian was being honest with her. Uncommonly honest. No secrets hung between them anymore. Well, mostly. She still had a few up her sleeve too bizarre for him to tailor a question to, but on the off chance he asked, she decided she wouldn't lie.

As for him, he was being open. He made a point of finishing his days by telling her about them, sparing no details.

After he'd tied her to the bed, things had been slow for a while. Both of them were adapting to these new terms, but they'd meet- by routine- each night in front of the fire.

It was strange for Reagan. They acted like a couple, with his head splayed across her lap as he spoke. She'd play with his hair and listen patiently, both of them counting down the days before they could move on with the next stage of their own separate plans.

That was the one thing they tried to avoid discussing. Their plans. Reagan didn't want to step on any toes whilst Killian knew not to push too hard. Which was why when she overheard the discussion of a select few vampires hidden in the shadows of Castle Solum her interest couldn't be tamed.

"It's tonight, right?"

Oh dear. Even if Killian's planning had gotten better, there was no preparing for the lack of braincells in his recruits. They were lucky it was her listening in and not someone else.

"Keep your voice down Malcolm," The other vampire lectured. "Killian doesn't want this getting out. Imagine if it got back to the blood Queen."

"Right. Yeah. Of course. Do you think it's finally happening?"

What's finally happening?

What are you up to Killian?

"I hope so. The people are getting agitated. They're demanding a vampire leader. The ones that haven't been to the castle don't know what Nazreen's like."

"We need to get Killian on the throne."

He had more support than she thought he did. There was an active drive to put him on the throne. He certainly had more support for it than his niece did.

"Tonight, remember. Make sure you're there."


Come on, I need details.

She relied on their stupidity.

"I'll be there."

"Tell no one."

"Outside the doors, right?"

"Just before sunrise."

Interesting. Very interesting indeed.

She waited for the two vampires to split up, heading in opposite directions before she followed one and cleared her throat.


The vampire in question turned, stunned to be addressed by her. Or him, as he perceived.

Sure, he probably knew Killian well, but Reagan had been keeping her distance from the vampires wherever she could. She hadn't come here to make friends. She came here on a mission.

"General Azrael. How can I help you?"

"I just want a word with you."

"Anything you need."

"In private."

"Of course."

The vampire followed her into an empty nearby room without a second thought on the matter. Though she supposed he had nothing to be paranoid of. Reagan had overheard their whole conversation, but it was nothing a typical vampire General would be concerned about. The General would want to see a vampire back on the throne.

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