Chapter Thirty-Two

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Annaliese called yet another last minute meeting, cancelling any plans Reagan had five minutes before.

In the process, the Queen solidified Reagan's hatred of her. Like her Father, Annaliese had never had to go without. She had no respect for anyone's time but her own. Nor did she have respect for anyone else's life.

Her negligence banished any festering guilt from Reagan for whatever was soon to come.

And she'd been planning. Gods, had she been planning.

Outside the Queen's bedroom door, Seth and the Squire conversed amongst themselves. More like the Squire was talking pointlessly and Seth was taking the mick.

Across from them, Reagan twiddled her thumbs, thinking of everything better she could be doing.

It'll be worth it in the end.

Everything she did was part of the process. Sooner or later her actions would serve a bigger picture.

The second Killian arrived- sauntering down the hallway- her eyes were on him. He walked with a new purpose. A decision wafting up in the air around him. A cockiness she hated to label sexy.

A woman's perfume hit her nose. A fishy, salty kind that brought to mind pictures of the sea.

No. The smell of a siren.

He was still wiping blood from his lips with his thumb, his tongue swiping out to clean it.

Her jaw clenched, mood souring.

He watched her too. Waiting for a reaction.

"Good to see you Sinclair."

He spoke quietly so the witches wouldn't hear.


She fought to stay still and calm. To school her expression and stand her ground. Hell, she even contemplated talking to the Squire to get out of talking to him. But she was better than this. Reagan was above such sad, silly matters of the heart.

"You still have breakfast on your cheek."

A line of blood travelled from his mouth to the dimple she so rarely saw.

She wanted to slap him again. To wipe that strategically placed blood from his face herself. Or maybe replace it with more of his own.

"Thanks for pointing it out," He said, sucking it from his finger. "It'd have been embarrassing if I'd have walked around with that all day." Embarrassing, sure. The bastard had wanted her to see it. What's your game arsehole? "I'm not late, am I?"

"Technically, you're two minutes late. But Annaliese isn't feeling particularly punctual either."

"I'm in luck then." She rolled her eyes, wishing he'd stop talking. "I just got back from breakfast in the Common World. I had a siren volunteer. You should've been there. She had the sweetest blood."

Yes, she could imagine.

He'd take so much enjoyment in picking her out. A woman prepared to throw herself at him and boost his ego.

"Hmm, pity I missed out."

She picked at her nails and clacked her tongue indifferently.

"Like honey trickling down my throat."

Her mouth dried. "Good for you."

"I could drink her blood forever."

I'm gonna kill him.

She could do it. Easily. Reagan would bet money she could fight him if she needed to—especially with her nifty ability. And if he kept pushing her buttons like this, then he'd deserve whatever he had coming for him.

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