38. The King

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Daman POV
(Not a third person narration)

I sat on the edge of the swing looking out at the vast expanse of greenery covering the hills, in whose lap nestled this huge palace.

Tejasveer was asleep, the baby monitor in place with the control kept by my side. Dinner was in another half an hour and I had no idea how I would present a strong case to the man without seeming like a gold digger.

I hadn't married Sangram for his money. Hell, I wasn't even sure of his worth but my dad was. I never asked about it before agreeing to the wedding. I slowly saw pictures and got to know about the love he had for this land. Our marriage was short in which a big part was spend by me finishing my phd, and his posting at odd places.

I had never visited the lands I wanted to claim for my son.

A familiar piano tone sounded as I looked down to my phone ringing. The screen lit up with Ekansh's name.

"Hey." I said as he sounded lost.

"Hi." He said, and then murmured in a low voice. "You should have informed me, when you reached."

"Oh, I... With Tejas tired, it completely slipped my mind. But the driver would have..." I was saying as he sounded angry or maybe... Worried?

"The driver is not you. There's a difference. Anyway, my mum likes you so that makes a strong impression. For my father, he's a little orthodox with his values, it'll be better if you cover your head with the dupatta. I mean, I know you're not his daughter-in-law but..." He was saying as I interrupted.

"Covering head is seen as a sign of respect. We never enter our place of worship without covering our head. It's not orthodox. I don't have a problem doing it. My mother-in-law thought it made her look old fashioned so I never did it." I said cutting with the same sharp tone.

"I... You'll be fine." He says with a sharp breath.

"Are you telling this to me, or yourself? Oh my God, Ekansh are you nervous about my first impression with your family?"

"No... No, why would I be nervous?" He says and clears his throat. "I... I gotta go. Bye." he says and disconnects as the baby monitor alerts me to my son's naptime being over.


"Tejass..." I say in a scolding tone as he looks away from me, in the arms of the nanny that carried him downstairs.

He woke up and threw a fit about dressing up in clothes that I had not packed. Now, he's just being like his father after India lost a cricket match.

Moody and temperamental

I secured the dupatta over my head as the huge doors carved with golden intricate antique designs were opened by a man standing in a black and white uniform.

"Sat sri akal ji" I wish the King, as he sat at the head of the table and nodded at the queen. The nod was enough to excude power and yet grace. He sat in his simple kurta pyjama and a brown turban, with a diplomatic expression covering his thoughts.

I refrained from using titles, monarch or professional since it had been a controversial debate in my head. I can't call him a Raja in a democracy and I can't call him sir. Personal title like Uncle was beyond the situation.

"God bless you, child." He said and gestured for me to sit. Tejas was placed on a high chair next to the king as I was in the next one.  Ekansh's mom sat opposite Tejas.

Dinner was a more or less quiet affair as topic revolved around my profession, my parents, my husband's too soon demise and my in-laws.

"Ekansh told me about what Sr. Mrs. Ghumaan wants. I confirmed and she has indeed started the paperwork." he says and Ekansh's mom clears her throat.

"You can talk about this in your study. It's time for food and there's a kid here." She said as the king chuckled heartily.

"Oye hoye, mein sadqe jaavan. My Rani is angry. So, we'll talk later. Tell me how you liked the place, Tejas?" He said changing the topic.


I put Tejas to sleep and walked down with the baby monitor carefully set in place.

"This way, madam." A woman said guiding me to the room next to the one we had dined in. The door opened  from inside as I look at the grand, spacious, yet comfy sitting room evolved with a slight modern touch and comfy couches that I think slide out to form a bed.

"She's here." Mrs. Sandhu said as I look at Mr. Sandhu and he gestures to a seat. I noticed someone standing in the corner with his hands in his pocket and my subconscious recognized the silhouette before my eyes could.

"Ekansh?" I asked surprised as he stepped into the sharp LED lightening from the dim backdrop of the modified false ceiling edging from the corners. I immediately regretted saying the name or not addressing him formally or as Dr. But nobody seemed shocked or displeased.

"Hey, how are you?" He says and takes a seat next to where I was supposed to sit, opposite to Mr and Mrs. Sandhu.

"I'm fine. When did you arrive?" I ask as he looks at his watch, which I noticed was a platinum rolex .

"12 minutes ago." He says as I smile. I could feel myself relax when Mrs. Sandhu gestured for me to sit next to him. "Just wanted to make sure you're comfortable here." He added.

"I am. Thank you so much. You didn't have to do it. Where's Samrudhi and Sumit?"

"Sleeping upstairs. Ravleen flies in tomorrow morning." He says as Mrs. Sandhu clears her throat and I immediately fall silent.

"I... I'm sorry." I say at having accidently violated some unknown royal protocol.

"I had my suspicions, but not anymore. She's the girl, Isn't she?" She says as Ekansh looks at me, meeting my sight and nods.

"She's the one." He says quietly as my eyes widen.

"The property will be transferred to her name by tomorrow morning." Mr. Sandhu says as I look at him shocked.

"I... No, that's..." I was saying as he interrupted.

"If you think I'm playing favorites. Yes, that's exactly what I'm doing, but if this also means I'm doing the right thing..." he shrugs. "Two birds, one stone."

Ekansh's phone rang in that moment before I could speak anything. He picks up at the second ring.

"Yes........ Uhm........ And?......... What the. I'll be there." He says, cutting the call and looks at his parents.

"Was Bismat. I need to go." He told his father, what i understood as an incomplete sentence as Mr. Sandhu nods.

"Take another revolver and keep it close. It might get dangerous." He says, as Ekansh nods and just walks out.

I was sitting there perplexed and shocked, as he turns to plant a kiss on the side of my forehead as if it was the most normal thing to do.

"Hope you like it here. Stay safe." He says as I nod, still trying to make sense of things.

++++++Author's note++++++

Second update today, after a request from some very special people. ❤

Lots of love

The love of my lifeOnde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora