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Inside Errick's office

Dr. Leo: "So, what is it that you want to talk about?"

Errick: "Attacks are coming again and more often. Also, this time, it's not just demons. Now, magicians are becoming villains."

Dr. Leo: "True."

Errick: "And have you noticed yet? It seems that they're after something else."

Dr. Leo: "Yes, it's not just a normal chaos. There is a target."

Errick: "They even tried to get you and me to get out of the fight. He is after the students. Especially..."

Dr. Leo: "Asher."

Errick: "I think we'll have to be more prepared. Leo, find a Master Magician Agency and recruit as many as you can to protect the academy... in secret."

Dr. Leo: "Alright."

Errick: (I have another plan, but that can wait.) "Also, what happened back then? What took you so long?"

Dr. Leo: "Oh, it seems that they created a bomb. A diamond bomb."

Errick: "A diamond bomb?"

Dr. Leo: "Correct. It's a magic item where if the timer goes off, it will explode and everyone will be trapped inside a diamond room. It took some time to diffuse it since it's not directly magic so I can't use Inverse and you know how bad I am at bombs."

Errick: (Yeah. You got a D- on a bomb diffusing test.) "Well, I'm glad that the bomb didn't explode."

Dr. Leo: "Alright, I guess I'll be going now."

Errick: "Also, Leo!"

Dr. Leo: "Yeah?"

Errick: "Watch what you're saying to that boy. You almost spilled it."

Dr. Leo: "Oh, about that..."

Errick: "You have told him about the magic spirit haven't you?"

Dr. Leo: "Y-yeah."

Errick: *Sigh.* "Sometimes you're just unreliable. Well, at least you didn't say more. Remember, we can't let him know until it's time."

Dr. Leo: "Yeah, I know."

Errick: "You better. Well, that's it now. You can leave. I want to take a rest at my house.

Dr. Leo: "Ok."

-The End-

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