Training Camp Battle Pt. 1

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Both teams are prepared for the battle. They are ready for what will happen and don’t want to lose. They are serious about this battle. And now, the battle will begin.

Mr. Syrus: “Alright everyone, get into position. Get ready! Prepare for battle! And… start!”

A student from class B immediately charges towards Asher’s team.

???Class B student???: “Hello there! I’m Garen! I’m a Wind Magician! It’s nice to meet you!”

Asher: (The he-)

Amelie: “Ice Lance!”

The class B student immediately avoids the Ice Lance that Amelie shot.”

Amelie: “I’ll take this one!”

Asher: “Thanks, Amelie.”

Amelie takes on Garen in the battle.

Garen: “Oh man, I really want to fight that card guy. Well, I guess I’ll have to get rid of you quickly.”

Amelie: “Well, it won’t be that easy.”

???Class B Leader???: “Classic Garen. Well, they do have one extra person in the team than us. They do have an advantage in numbers, but not powers.” *smiles.* “Brad, Stans, take care of the plant guy and our teacher’s younger brother.”

Brad & Stans: “On it!”

Brad and Stans take on Steven and Ash in the battle.

???Class B Leader???: “Well well well, I heard you two are the two strongest students on the team. But, are you guys stronger than me?”

Asher: (This guy got some guts. He dares to fight the two of us.)

???Class B Leader???: “First of all, allow me to introduce myself. My name is Cory. I’m a Blood Magician.”

Asher: (A Blood Magician? Such a magician exists?)

Cory: "Now, show me what you've got!" *smiles.*

Asher: (How strong is he that makes him that confident?)

Ray: (This guy. His face shows it all. He's confident that he can win against us. He will be a tough opponent.)

Asher and Ray don't know what to do since they have never met a Blood Magician.

Cory: "C'mon, I'm giving you guys the chance to fight me. Or are you guys scared?"

Ray: *Whispers to Asher.* "Asher, I have an idea."

Ray whispers his plan to Asher.

Asher: *Whispers to Ray.* "Alright, we can give it a try."

Ray and Asher are going to execute their plan, hoping that it can somehow do something to Cory.

Ray suddenly appears behind Cory. He won't attack him though. Instead, he keeps zapping from one place to another at lightning speed, trying to confuse Cory. Meanwhile, Asher is using his spell, The Aces. Ray then stops and the four of Asher's come from all sides and Ray then appears from top.

Cory: *Smiles.* “Blood Hands: Penta!”

Asher and Ray were shocked.

Suddenly, five hand-like shapes made out of blood appear from Cory’s front, back, left, right, and top, capturing Asher and Ray. Of course, Asher’s clones disappear after being touched by the Blood Hands.

Cory: “Not bad. Though the plan is kinda amateur, I'll give you guys some credits.”

Asher: (This guy really is something else.)

Ray: (I’ve never seen someone react that fast to the zap.)

Cory: “Now, it’s my turn.”

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