Chapter 97: Arjuna as Protegee of Brishaketu

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"I will do anything to save my eldest brother's legacy."

Arjuna promised to himself. But he did not get the chance for upcoming some years. After the ending of the Kurukshetra war, he became busy in protecting the borders of Hastinapur on the behalf of his elder brother Yuddhisthir who was bethroned on the throne. Dhritashtra left his throne after the end of the war. He left no son or grandson to rule over the state. He was forced to give the throne to his dead brother's son Yuddhisthir.

Arjuna was appointed in the high post of advisor cum commander general of Hastinapur. He had to secure the state from inside as well as outside. He was even given the job as advisor general to have good relationship with other surrounding states too. He did not get any chance to go back to his brother Karna's family. But he was dying to meet with them. He knew that his sister-in-law Padmavati would forgive him for his misdeed. He was till then searching to meet with her. And also his nephew Brishaketu too.

The opportunity came at the time of the Rajsuya Yajna. Yudhhisthir, his elder sibling, wanted to secure the relationship with other states. He had appointed Bhim and Arjuna as his representatives. They had to roam to entire India to enhance relationship. It was the opportunity that he longed for. He wanted to go first to Anga province to meet Brishaketu and his mother Padmavati. He had to beg for mercy to them. He just had to.

"Matashree (mother), why do you want me to have good relation with those Pandava brothers who killed my father and my eight brothers so mercilessly?!! Don't you want me to avenge their deaths?!!!" Brishaketu asked his mother Padmavati in rage.

He with a jolt opened his eyes wide by sensing a loud slap on his cheek. It was none but her mother Padmavati who slapped him hard. He looked at her direction with sheer shock. She never slapped him even in his days of childhood. Then why Now?!! He was now around 18 yrs old grown up boy ready to take his father's throne. He pouted his lips in displeasure while caressing his hurt cheek. He was more hurt by thinking that his mother had lifted her hands on him.

Padmavati tilted her head proudly to face her son and answered "Do you know anything at all?!! Why that war even took place?!! It was due to the lust of your uncle Duryodhan and jealousy of your uncle Dusashan. The revenge of their uncle Shakuni and the greed of ex-King Dhritashtra made the situation more complicated. I had warned your father several times to leave his evil friend Duryodhan in vain. He was too loyal to him. He was in debt with Duryodhan. He did not want to loose his friendship. He died according to his own wish. It was his wish to sacrifice his life for the sake of his friend Duryodhan. Your brothers were too loyal to their father. They sacrificed their own lives for the sake of their father. We should respect their decision to sacrifice their lives." She stopped talking and faced her young son. Then continued "What revenge you want from them?!! You are too naive and young. Whom you want to fight with?!! Bhim: the most popular mace fighter of India!! Your uncle Arjuna: the greatest Archer of India!!! Yudhhisthir: your elder uncle who is so benevolent that he leaves Hastinapur everytime I called for his help in rulling this state!!! Do you think that without their help I, a mere lowly maid, could rule over Anga state as your representative till now?!! And they have Lord Krishna: the so-called God of India!! Fool. How can you fight them?!! You don't even have mastery in every skill like your father. At first go and prepare yourself. Then talk about avenging your father's death."

Brishaketu bit his lips hard. His eyes got teary instantly. His mother never used such high tone to him. His young heart was breaking in pain. He could not believe that his mother was now scolding him. He twisted his face to control his upcoming tears. He did not want to cry in front of his mother. He bolted out of the room.

Padmavati stretched her hands to her angry son in vain. He was long gone. She broke into a heartfelt sob and smacked hard her own right palm on the floor. That was the same hand that she lifted on her dearest son to slap him.

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