"No way dude. I think the last place she wants to be right now is in an apartment or house. Think about it. You'll be fine," he smiled waving as he headed out.

As per usual Sicheng was able to keep Yuta levelheaded. He was right a date outside would be perfect. It was fine he was overthinking it again. While waiting he checked his outfit once more and made sure he looked his best. Yup he was definitely handsome alright. He heard the doorbell and he immediately felt his excitement go up. Finally.

He immediately opened the door holding his arms out for a hug. As the door opened Hyunjae looked at him with a small smile. Without a second thought she immediately squeezed herself into his arms happily.

"Hi," she laughed laying her head on his shoulder.

She took it all in, she even noticed he was wearing his usual cologne. Nice.

"Hi my love, I missed you," He smile swaying her lightly, "You look pretty, as usual."

She blushed as he let her go, "Thanks I missed you too! Also you don't look too bad yourself."

"I know right," he winked running a hand through his hair.

"So what's the plan? I've been dying to know," she pleaded giving him her puppy dog eyes.

Yuta tried his best to not give in but she was just too cute.

"Fine I'll give you one hint. We're going shopping first. Cool?" He asked.

She smiled planting a kiss on his lips, "Very cool. I'm so excited and also kinda nervous to be out here."

"If at any point you think it's too much we can leave and chill here. I don't want you to get stressed Kay?" He smiled patting her head.

As usual Yuta was two steps ahead. As he mentioned earlier he had plenty of back up date plans in case Hyunjae wasn't feeling safe out there. He didn't care if his ideal date idea got ruined cause of it, he just wanted her to feel safe.

"Got it," She nodded as he pinched her cheek gently.

She made a kissy face at him and Yuta without wasting a second pressed a kiss to her lips with a smile.

"Alright let's go baby," He took her hand as they walked out of his apartment.

Instead of taking the subway like they usually do Yuta opted out for a taxi. That way it was more private and she wouldn't have to worry too much even though she rode the subway here. It just gave him more peace of mind to take a taxi.

"So I need to look for some new clothes and soccer shoes. Wanna help me pick them?"

"I know nothing about soccer but yeah I can do my best," she nodded giving him a thumbs up.

She wanted to be involved with the soccer aspect of Yuta's life, since it was gonna be a big chunk of it. God she couldn't wait to see him play in his actual first game. It was so exciting just to think about.

"I'm so excited for your first game. I'm literally gonna be the loudest person there," She laughed lightly.

Yuta blushed lightly at the thought of it. He'd have his number one supporter cheering him on, he liked the idea of that.

"I like that," He smiled as she noticed the slight blush on his cheeks. Very cute.

The taxi stopped at their destination. They both got out and began walking down the crowded shopping street. So far so good, nobody was batting an eye towards the couple. Maybe it's because they assume that Hyunjae would still have blonde hair or maybe they thought she would keep herself locked in her apartment. Either way she didn't care she was happy that there was no sign of them.

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