Who could ever love me?

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When I look at myself, I see nothing good.
I see all the flaws that no one else should.
I wear a mask
To hide the pain
That always resides on my face.

They tell me I'm beautiful,
But how would they know
The secrets I have yet to tell?
The guilt that eats me up inside
About the things I've done
Each and every night.

They don't see the things that I hide
Behind the walls inside my mind.
They don't see the flaws on my skin.
For if they did, they would think I'm a sin.

So, I tell myself, who will ever love me
When no one ever hears my pleas?
Who could understand my broken thoughts,
The hate in my gut that's like a knot?

Maybe one day my thoughts will change,
But for now, they still seem to reign.
But I will keep fighting each night,
Because if I don't, then how else can I find the light?

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