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On the night of the Blizzard Ball, I stopped by the mayor's office to pick up allowance from my dad.

I was excited to go to the ball with Theo as my date, and I knew there was going to be an exciting after party hosted by the seniors.

As I walked towards dad's office, I passed by the boardroom where I saw Landon standing alone examining a picture frame by the door.

His black hair was tousled and he had noticeable eyebags on his pale face. I hated that even when Landon looked like he hadn't slept, he still looked striking.

I normally ignored Landon, but he looked so lonely that I felt it would be cruel to pass him by.

I leaned against the doorframe. Landon turned to face me.

"Are you going to the Blizzard Ball?" I asked.

"I don't like school dances."

"This one is going to be fun. I organized it."

Landon inhaled deeply and focused his blue eyes on the wall. I could tell he was annoyed with me and wanted to be alone.

"It's fine if you don't want to talk to me," I commented.

Landon furrowed his eyebrows.

"I don't understand how you got over me so quickly," Landon blurted.


"I don't understand how you got a boyfriend less than a month after we broke up. Did you ever even like me?"

"You dumped me," I asserted.

"Because my family made me," Landon spat.

"So you're allowed to move on, but I'm not?" I inquired.

"I never moved on."

I took a step backwards as the words left Landon's mouth. I knew there was nothing I could say that would properly describe the way I felt, and I didn't want to betray Theo.

I turned on my heel and speed walked away.

My heart raced as I replayed Landon saying he hadn't moved on. I could still strongly imagine what it felt like to have his hands under my shirt and to have him bite me. Maybe he wasn't the only one stuck on what we had...

Compared to the indestructible passion I had for Landon, my feelings for Theo felt minuscule. There were no amount of warnings or break ups that could make me like Landon less.

But I had to swallow my feelings. Theo was my boyfriend, not Landon.

"Say Cheese," Valerie declared.

Theo kissed me on the cheek as Valerie took our couple's photo. He was wearing an ill fitting black suit and I was in a floor length blue dress.

After Valerie took our picture, Theo and I joined the rest of our friends on the dance floor. I put my hands around his neck and pressed my head against his chest as we slowly danced.

We were dancing beside about a hundred other people
from school. The dark room was only illuminated by fairy lights.

This night should've been perfect.

The main room was lined with gorgeous white roses and lilacs, the planning student council had done was perfect, and I was here with my boyfriend. Yet, despite how great the ball was, I still felt agitated.

There was a vast feeling of discomfort in my heart because I couldn't ignore the fact that I wished I was dancing with another guy.

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